Università degli Studi Roma Tre DIPARTIMENTO DI STUDI URBANI ESPON Project Integrated analysis of transnational and national territories based on ESPON results
BBR - Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (Germany) BIC Lazio S.p.A (Italy), DSU- Università di Roma Tre EUROREG - Warsaw University Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (Poland) IIDL - Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Local (Spain) IRS - Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning (Germany) NIBR - Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (Norway) ÖIR - Österreichisches Institut für Raumordnung (Austria) PhDB consultant (Belgium) UEHR - Institute of Urban Environment and Human Resources (Greece) UPI -Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenia)
Espon project further elaborates the Regional Classification of Europe (RCE) as developed by ESPON project 3.1 and discusses alternative approaches for a regional classification.
First project phase: 1) the deepening and operationalisation of methodological approaches for future analysis on European, transnational and national level 2) a first inventory of data and indicators applied
European level: thematic and territorial aspects of the EU structural funds reform analysis of spatial patterns on macro level scenario calculations for future eligible areas according to current eligibility criteria, alternative approaches and criteria for assessing regions under light of different spatial objectives, e.g. cohesion, regional competitiveness and employment, are considered.
Trans-national level:identification of spatial patterns discriminant analysis identifies homogeneous regions within Europe factor analysis characterises the identified transnational areas.
National level: pilot case studies a general quantitative analysis on national level in-depth pilot case studies on national level