Jessica Chapman - 5 December 2001 Marsfield Open Day Visitor Survey - Feedback Visitors to the Marsfield Open Day were asked to complete a survey form at the end of their visit. The total number of visitors at Marsfield was approximately We received 550 forms at Marsfield. The following diagrams summarize the response.
Who came? 63% male, 37% female (adults and children)
Note the lack of visitors with ages between 18 and 35.
Over 100 survey forms were completed by primary-aged children.
Some visitors said they would have liked to visit both sites but could not manage both in the same day.
How did they know about it? ‘Other’ included information sent to schools and articles in Double Helix and Scientriffic
Why did they come? Note the strong interest in what CSIRO does.
Did they enjoy the day? YES!
Could they understand the displays? For some visitors the displays were slightly too hard to understand.
How much did they learn about CSIRO at this site? nothing a lot
Importance of CSIRO in Australia nothing a lot
Careers in Science (school and tertiary students only)
Visitors’ Comments The survey form also asked for comments on: What did you like best? What would you like us to improve? A summary of the most-often repeated comments follows:
What did you like best? General site activities science show (103)* ‘everything’ (45) helpful/friendly staff (30) children’s activities (8) * Hugely popular with the children (Numbers indicate the number of responses which included the item.)
Jessica Chapman - 5 December 2001 What did you like best? ATNF Displays astronomy displays and welcome (36) receiver group demos/display (28) SKA and the Luneburg Lens (18) Parkes displays (10) ask an astronomer (8)
What did you like best? CTIP Displays SQIS – face & gesture recognition (79) e-health, Haptic Workbench (34) virtual reality (not further specified) (32) electron microscope (21) e-health, hospital without walls (13) computers/CSIRAC (9) antenna range (5) radar display (5)
Jessica Chapman - 5 December 2001 What would you like us to improve? The ‘top six’ comments were: Provide more Open Days (23) Provide more hands-on/interactive displays (16) Provide more activities for children (13) Provide better access to some displays (11) Provide more demonstrations/experiments (10) Make displays easier to understand (10)
Jessica Chapman - 5 December 2001 What would you like us to improve? Other comments (3 - 4 responses) were: Provide better signs (outside) Hold Lindfield and Marsfield days separately Stay open longer and/or over two days Improve the advertising Show more videos