Bay Area Region Nutrition Network
The Network The Bay Area Region Nutrition Network is one of 11 Regional Nutrition Networks that together provide services to all California counties.
Network Funding The Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Section of the California Department of Health Services provides funding from the USDA Food Stamp Program for the Bay Area Region Nutrition Network and the ten other regional Networks state wide.
Network Mission The mission of the Nutrition Network is to create innovative partnerships so that low-income Californians are enabled to adopt healthy eating and physical activity patterns as part of a healthy lifestyle.
About The Network The Regional Nutrition Networks are designed to cross over traditional political, geographic and organizational boundaries. The Networks conduct activities in three major areas:
1. Maximize Local Impact The Nutrition Network provides training, coordination and communications support to all Network-funded projects and other stakeholders in the region.
2. Mobilize Community Action Each Network includes a Regional Collaborative – individuals, organizations, advocates, community leaders, businesses and others with expertise in nutrition, physical activity, hunger prevention/food security, and under-served communities.
3. Reach out With 5 A Day The Regional Nutrition Networks implement regional 5 A Day Campaigns that focus on special populations.
Key Program Objectives Increase daily consumption of fruits and vegetables to USDA recommendations Increase daily physical activity to a minimum of 30 minutes for adults and 60 minutes for children
Key Program Objectives Increase the level of food security for low-income communities, including participation in Federal nutrition assistance programs, especially Food Stamps.
Low-Income Communities Persons participating in or eligible for the Food Stamp Program or an audience with at least 50% having household incomes of not higher than 185% of the Federal Poverty Level.
Bay Area Region Nutrition Network Bay Area Nutrition and Physical Activity Collaborative (BANPAC) Children’s 5 A Day Power Play Latino 5 A Day African American 5 A Day 5 A Day Worksite California Retail 5 A Day
BARNN Goals 1. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables 2. Increase daily physical activity 3. Improve food security Core Components 1. Training, coordination, and communication 2. Regional collaborative (BANPAC) 3. 5 a Day Campaigns Methods 1. Networking Across the Region 2. Implementing Project Activities 3. Training Across the Region 4. Promoting Projects in the Media 5. Evaluating Outcomes BARNN at a Glance Alameda County San Francisc o County Contra Costa County Marin County San Mateo County Santa Clara County
Key Channels Schools, After School Programs Community Based Organizations, DSHPs Grocery Stores Worksites Farmers Markets, Flea Markets Festivals
Physical Activity The Bay Area Region Nutrition Network integrates Physical Activity into all of its programs and campaigns across the Bay Area.
BANPAC The Bay Area Nutrition and Physical Activity Collaborative uses the collective expertise and influence of over 100 member organizations to facilitate system or environmental change that shapes nutrition and physical activity behaviors.
BANPAC Key Committees School Wellness Community Environment Food Security
BANPAC Developed and presents on the Healthy Vending Machine Toolkit Conducts forums on issues affecting access to healthy food and physical activity, and community mobilization Assists school districts with school wellness policy development and implementation
5 A Day Bay Area Region Nutrition Network 5 A Day Programs
Latino 5 A Day Latino adults with school-aged children. Channels: farmers’/flea markets, supermarkets and neighborhood grocery stores, direct health service providers and CBOs, and Latino festivals and other community gatherings.
Children’s 5 A Day Power Play Children 9-11 years old. Channels: classrooms and cafeterias, community youth organizations, after school and summer programs, farmers’ markets, grocery stores
African American 5 A Day African American adults with school- aged children. Channels: faith-based community projects, media, community festivals, neighborhood grocery stores, and direct health services.
5 A Day Worksite Worksite environments of predominately low-wage working adults. Strategies: improve access to healthy foods and physical activity, foster environments that encourage healthy lifestyle choices, and establish public policies that encourage health promotion efforts at work.
California Retail 5 A Day Food Stamp Eligible Californians Strategies: Facilitate partnerships between neighborhood stores and community health agencies to help increase the consumption and purchase of fruits and vegetables
BARNN RESOURCES Cookbooks Recipe Cards Posters Exercise Equipment Food Demos Toolboxes (Worksite) Lesson Plans (School) T-Shirts Canvas Grocery Bags Cooking Aprons Cutting Boards Cooking Colanders Pens, Pencils, Magnets Note Pads Brochures