5S Simplified 5S Audit Tool 5S Audit Training
Employ Improvement Initiatives 1 For training purposes only Freeleansite.com 5S Levels Of Achievement What Color (Level) is your area?
Employ Improvement Initiatives 2 For training purposes only Freeleansite.com 5S Audit Form – Scores & Levels of Achievement There are only “two” levels of achievement for the first 3S’s (Sort, Store, & Shine). Standardize has 3 levels and Sustain has 4 levels of achievement. 5S Levels of Achievement 5S Audit Tool: Using the same Chart for the 5S Audit Rating Chart & 5S Levels of Achievement Chart Filled out automatically & Color code the chart The 5S Levels of Achievement are connected with the 5S Audit Tool
Employ Improvement Initiatives 3 For training purposes only Freeleansite.com 5S Audit Form: Sort, Store, Shine Indicates the “S” being audited Select “Yes” or “No” from Pull down list Evaluation Criteria Area to write comments
Employ Improvement Initiatives 4 For training purposes only Freeleansite.com 5S Radar Chart The expectation is to get to Level 3 or Level 4 (Green Area)
Employ Improvement Initiatives 5 For training purposes only Freeleansite.com 5S Audit Schedule Example