Blended Learning Fellowship Program
Blended Learning Some information on the web or via other media Must have some face to face
Background Sponsored by Educational Innovation Core Team Bring together a group of faculty and instructional staff Review the literature around blended learning Identify models that can be leveraged successfully on the UW- Madison campus
Completion of the Program Developed their own definitions and framework of blended learning Applied this framework to both their own courses and the UW-Madison campus environment Developed an increased interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning through reading and discussion of blended learning literature Be campus leaders in the blended learning movement by communicating the affordances and benefits of blended learning Be prepared to present at formal and informal engagements with their colleagues to discuss blended learning. Participants will help shape how future fellowship programs should be structured.
Deliverables Participants will work together to produce a document that represents the models of blended learning they feel will work on the UW-Madison campus. Definition and Pros and Cons Toolkit They will share their work in various ways (i.e., departmental meetings, blended learning roadshows, brown bag lunch sessions, campus conferences, and/or future blended learning fellowship program offerings).
Course Structure Meet 13 weeks for 90 minutes over lunch Readings Online Discussion Presentation and Discussion at weekly meeting Optional week long hands on session in end of May to early June
Syllabus Campus Perspective on Blended Learning Models of Blended Learning Building Community of Inquiry Design of Blended Learning Evaluation and Assessment of Blended Learning Design Instructor Roles in Blended Learning Designing Blended Learning Activities Developing Campus Leaders for Blended Learning Working sessions
Facilitators Ron Cramer - Senior Learning Technology Consultant Timmo Dugdale - Senior Learning Technology Consultant Chris Lupton - Engage Program Manager Joshua Morrill — Evaluator Chad Shorter - Learning Technology Consultant
Participants School of Education- Rich Halverson School of Veterinary Medicine - Robb Hardie Division of Continuing Studies - Aphra Mednick College of Engineering - Greg Moses School of Law - Adam Stevenson College of Letters and Science - Nadine Connor School of Pharmacy - Mike Pitterle School of Medicine and Public Health - Casey Reiser School of Nursing - Elizabeth Rice School of Human Ecology - Linda Roberts Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies - Rob Beattie Division of International Studies - Steven Smith
Guests Chris Olsen, Interim Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning Jeff Russell, Dean of Continuing Studies Linda Jorn, Director of Academic Technology Chuck Dzuiban, Center for Distributed Learning, University of Central Florida
Definition (Work in Progress) At UW-Madison, blended learning courses are instructor- designed and supervised environments that use face-to-face and technology-mediated channels to enhance interactive, engaging learning experiences and to improve learning outcomes.