Ana Maria Fernandez Maldonado Challenge the future Delft University of Technology
Challenge the future Delft University of Technology The Peruvian housing context The reinvention of housing policies Subsidized social housing What happened with the Peruvian barriadas?
(Caminos & Turner, 1969)
(Source: Mangin and Turner, 1968).
Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Central role of the population in its origin and development Dwelling: Dwelling: individual affair Neighbourhood: Neighbourhood: collective affair People organize to occupy the land, to get to land titles, and access to electricity and water and sewage. The informal sector takes care of public transportation and commerce. The public sector takes care of schools and basic road infrastructure.
(Burga, 2003)
Challenge the future Delft University of Technology 1980s: deep political and economic troubles : ‘the market as solution’ policies: abandonment of the housing sector 2002: subsidised social housing programmes
Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Phase Public sector Private sector Land property Elaboration of the project Finance of the construction Construction Operational risks Commercialisation Provision of loans to buyers Financial risk Provision of subsidy
Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Socio-economic sector A High income BMiddleincomeC Middle- low income D Low income E Very low income Commercial mortgage Mivivienda Credit Techo Propio Neighbourhood upgrading
Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Quantitative deficit Qualitative deficit Total 1993 Census 397,756624,4271,022, Census 389,7451,470,9471,860,692
(Ministerio de Vivienda, 2012).
Dwelling in own property Techo Propio New homes
Challenge the future Delft University of Technology New homes and loans increased but still largely insufficient; favouritism toward middle-class; the preference for Lima; very little orientation toward incremental housing.
Challenge the future Delft University of Technology ‘Well-intentioned’ but inefficient social housing policies Irrelevant role of incremental housing Land use intensification but: Top-down central government issue No coordination with local policies and plans