Political Affiliation Republican Lean Republican Independent Lean Democrat Democrat Other/ Don’t know
Political Ideology Conservative Moderate Liberal Don’t know
Views about the size of government Smaller government/ less services Bigger government/ more services Depends Don’t know
Abortion Legal in All cases Legal in Most cases Illegal in Most cases Illegal in All cases Don’t know
Homosexuality Homosexuality should never be accepted in society Homosexuality should be discouraged in society Neither/ treated equally Don’t know
Government’s role in Morality Government should do more to protect morality Government is too involved in morality neither Don’t know
Gov. & Environment Stricter environmental laws and regulations cost too many jobs and hurt the economy Stricter environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost Neither/ both equally Don’t know
USA role in World affairs It's best for the future of our country to be active in world affairs We should concentrate on problems here at home Neither/ both equally Don't know/ refused
True or False Abortion is always wrong Gov. should allow prayer in school Gov. should increase military spending Gov. should expand authority to fight terrorism Gov. should protect the environment better Gov. should redistribute wealth more evenly The war in Iraq was justified
Predict what % of Americans believe “God is” Authoritative Benevolent Critical Distant.
Spatial Connections of Religion Geographers are not theologians, rather they are interested in “where” various religions are distributed and “why” some religions occupy more space than others.
Acute tension between Globalization & local diversity 1) People’s “identity” is greatly influenced by Religion. 2) Some religions are marketed differently. 3) Religion influence us in how “we” organize ourselves spatially (like language). 4) Usually an “exclusive club”. (unlike language). 5) Migrants adopt language of new region but usually not a new religion.
OBJECTIVES KEY ISSUE: Where are Religions Distributed? Universalizing vs Proselytizing Religions Ethnic Religions
Universalizing Religions Appeals globally 58% of the world Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism Branch > Denomination > Sect
Christianity 2 billion (most widespread) Americas, Europe, Australia, parts of Africa, and Asia Branches: Catholic (51% ), Protestant (24%), & Orthodox (11%).
Islam 2 nd largest religion Two branches: Sunni (83%) & Shiite (16%) Islam in N. America (<1%) & Europe (<5%): major growth Nation of Islam: original Muslims of USA.
Case Study: Iraq Before World War 1From WW1 until 1930
IRAQ 1930 until 1990Iraq invades Kuwait
IRAQ After 1990Future Iraq?
WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? Did you say happiness? Will money bring you happiness? Will love bring you happiness? Will “things” bring you happiness? Will status bring you happiness? Will looks bring you happiness?
What if you substituted “happiness” with ending your suffering?
How would that change your philosophy towards your lifestyle?
Would you end up at the same destination?
Buddhism Third largest Universalizing Religions Largely in Asia 400 million Three branches: 1) Mahayana (56%) 2) Theravada (38%) Tantrayana(6%) Does not require exclusive adherence
Other Universalizing Religions Sikhism>India> strive to be like God Bahai>Iran>overcome disunity by establishing a universal faith (abololish racial, class, and other separateness)
Hinduism 97% followers in India Various paths to God: 1) Knowledge 2) Renunciation 3) Devotion 4) Action Must be in harmony with nature Follow different deities 1) Vishnu- god of incarnation 2) Shiva- god of protection & destruction
Other Ethnic Religions Confucianism: China> ethical principles for orderly conduct in daily life Daoism: China> becoming one with nature. Shinto: Japan> nature is divine. Judaism> US & Israel>first monotheist religion> Largest 2 religions were born from Animism> Africa/ Pre- Colombian> spirit & forces of nature