ILT Review 2-2 SSCG12 The student will analyze the various roles played by the President of the United States; include Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, chief executive, chief agenda setter, representative of the nation, chief of state, foreign policy leader, and party leader. SSCG13 The student will describe the qualifications for becoming President of the United States. a. Explain the written qualifications for President of the United States. b. Describe unwritten qualifications common to past presidents. SSCG15 The student will explain the functions of the departments and agencies of the federal bureaucracy. a. Compare and contrast the organization and responsibilities of independent regulatory agencies, government corporations, and executive agencies. b. Explain the functions of the Cabinet.
Essential Questions What are the written and unwritten qualifications of the President? What are some of the roles and duties of the President?
Learning Target SWBAT review all qualifications and roles of the President!!
written Written or Unwritten Qualification? Must be at least 35 years old
unwritten Written or Unwritten Qualification? Must be a good leader
unwritten Written or Unwritten Qualification? Must be a good public speaker
written Written or Unwritten Qualification? Must be a natural born citizen
unwritten Written or Unwritten Qualification? Must have government experience
unwritten Written or Unwritten Qualification? Must be charismatic
written Written or Unwritten Qualification? Must live in U.S. for 14 Consecutive Years
unwritten Written or Unwritten Qualification? Must have government experience
unwritten Written or Unwritten Qualification? Must be good looking
Legislative Leader Role in which the President may introduce/propose laws and approve or veto legislation
Party Leader Role in which the President supports party members in election campaigns and helps unify the party and give it direction
Chief of State Role in which the President represents our entire nation.
Chief Diplomat (Foreign Policy Leader) Role in which the President appoints ambassadors and signs treaties
Commander in Chief Role in which the President is in charge of our military
Chief Executive Role in which the President is responsible for carrying out the nation’s laws
Chief Citizen Role in which the President is a Representative of the American People Position of leadership by which the nation is directed and shaped
Chief Agenda Setter Role in which the President Calls special sessions of Congress State of the Union Address – Outlines what he sees as the needs of the Country – The ability to veto legislation – Status of legislation and laws that have been passed, economic conditions, etc.
Department of Homeland Security This department protects our air space and borders from terrorists.
Department of Education This department provides advice and funding for schools.
State Department This department plans and carries out the nation’s foreign policy.
Government Corporations Private businesses owned and operated by the government and not private people
Attorney General What is the title of the only department head not called secretary?
Justice Department Department responsible for all aspects of law enforcement.
Department of the Interior This department manages and protects the nation’s public lands and natural resources
Department of Defense This department manages the armed forces
Department of Transportation Which department manages the nation’s highways, railroads, airlines, etc?
They advise the President What do executive department heads do for the President?
Justice Department Which department is headed by the Attorney General?
15 How many Executive Departments are there?
Secretary What is the title given to the heads of 14 Executive Departments?
Congress Which group of people has the power to create, organize, and disband all federal agencies?
Department of Commerce This department supervises trade, promotes state tourism and business.
Executive Branch What is the Largest Branch of Government?
Department of Agriculture Which department assists farmers and consumers of farm products?
Treasury Department Which department collects, borrows, spends and prints money?
bureaucracy Agencies and employees of the executive branch are known as the federal _______