Diploma in Management & Leadership Level 5 Information Based Decisions Making Week- 8 By Farakh Sattar. Water Only
AIMS OF THE SESSION To Introduce learners about SWOT Analysis. To identify SWOT analysis in your specific area. Practical application of SWOT Analysis. Summary/Q&A
Introduction of SWOT analysis SWOT Analysis provides a snapshot of the business position at a specific point in time. S , W , O and T It highlights the change within the market and with the growth of the business. SWOT analysis is a useful tool for reviewing whole operations of an organization and for improving performance accordingly.
Introduction cont… SWOT analysis is a strategic business tool that can be applied equally and powerfully to individuals. Being an individual we can use it to review where we are now and where we could be….. Your strengths - your unique selling points Your weaknesses - potential areas for personal development Opportunities for career development - in the external environment that you could take advantage of Threats - in the external environment - outside your control, to take into account when planning.
SWOT Analysis Environments SWOT Analysis Internal EnvironmentExternal Environment StrengthsOpportunities WeaknessesThreats
Matching internal environment /external environment SO "Maxi-Maxi" Strategy Strategies that use strengths to maximize opportunities ST "Maxi-Mini" Strategy Strategies that use strengths to minimize threats. WO "Mini-Maxi" Strategy Strategies that minimize weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities WT "Mini-Mini" Strategy Strategies that minimize weaknesses and avoid threats
SWOT Applications A SWOT Analysis can be used for: Personal Development. Workshop sessions brainstorm meetings Problem solving Planning Product evaluation Competitor evaluation
Summary & Q/A …………….