MTSS Facilitator Meeting May 11, 2015
Value everyone’s input/expertise/strengths What’s working and why? Remain Positive Be Learning Focused Adhere to time Be present Sharing out Awareness of distractions Limit side conversations Norms
Introduction of Charlie Eccleston, MTSS District Trainer Complete MTSS Facilitator Post Survey MTSS Facilitators Share Out “What’s Working” Things to Remember Complete Exit Slips Agenda
Today’s Outcomes MTSS Facilitators will share out MTSS products and processes that has supported the implementation of the MTSS framework at the building level Participants will view and explore the possibilities of using the presented MTSS materials to support the implementation of the MTSS process at their building
MTSS End of Year Procedures, Student Transfers & MTSS Action Checklists Christa McAuliffe Elementary Connie Browning, Literacy Coach Lisa Belfatto, Certified School Counselor
End of the Year Placement Card 1.Teachers fill out card at the end of the year with student info for the next year’s teacher 2.MTSS checklist on the back of that card so the next year’s teacher will know what has been implemented and where the student is in the MTSS process. 3.This information is crucial for students who at the end of the year are being progress monitored (Tier 2 or 3). The next grade level teacher will know where to start with the student and the student will not get lost in the process when moving to the next grade level. FRONT BACK
Student Transfers within BPS 1.MTSS Checklist is placed on the transfer sheet so the receiving teacher knows that an MTSS folder will be coming in the cum folder. STUDENT MTSS FOLDER STUDENT TRANSFER SHEET
Christa McAuliffe MTSS Checklist 1.We place this checklist on the “purple (MTSS) folders. (We revise it occasionally.) It is stapled to the front of the folders, with the forms inside that are needed by the classroom teacher. 2.Then, we have the forms at our MTSS meetings that we fill out together. We don’t put a lot on this checklist so we don’t feel so overwhelmed.
Christa McAuliffe MTSS Follow-Up Action Plan Checklist 1.Next steps MTSS Follow-up action plan checklist. This will be used with students who are moving along the process from Tier 2 into Tier 3 and into Evaluation.
Tier 2 Progress Monitoring Form Turner Elementary Denise McCourt, Literacy Coach
Tier 2 Progress Monitoring Form 1.Grade level determines Tier 2 intervention and completes top portion of the form. 2.Tier 2 intervention is implemented with fidelity. Progress monitoring data is completed at the appropriate interval. 3.Intervention teacher copies form for their records and turns in original to MTSS facilitator to guide discussion at teacher data team meetings. 4.MTSS facilitator keeps forms in a binder by grade level. 5.If students move to IPST (Tier 3), these forms are located in a central location to be copied to IPST packet.
Teacher Data Teams Tier 2/Tier 3 Intervention Group Tracking Croton Elementary Laurel Preston, Literacy Coach
Week One: Tier One Data/Strategies Week Two: Tier 2 OPM Week Three: Problem-Solving Week Four: Off
Teacher: Kuntz-MurphyTeacher: RehrerTeacher: YerkesTeacher: CarestiaTeacher: Dutil Focus of Group: Tier 3 for possible ESE, LLI Focus of Group: (Phonics) PSI, Sk. 5 Silent “e” Focus of Group: (Phonics) PSI, Sk. 5 Silent “e” Focus of Group: PSI, Sk. 6 Predictable Vowels Tier 3 Focus of Group: PSI, Sk 6 Predictable Vowels Semaj (C) Gabe (R) Brayden (MD) Angel (KD) Chloe (KD) Anaiayah (C) Juliana (A) Teagan (R) Matthew (KD) Gyvan (C) Mikayla (MD) Gabriel (MD) Jamare (R) Julie (MD) Teacher: DavenportTeacher: AlbertyTeacher: Warnick-Ellis Homeroom Classes Focus of Group: PSI, Sk 6 Predictable Vowels Focus of Group: PSI, Sk. 6 Predictable Vowels Focus of Group: ESE, Barton, Phonics, Sight Words Focus of Group: Ind. Reading w/writ resp/thinking map Kevin (R) Tyler (MD) Natalia (Y) Hannah (Y) Anastasia (Y) Owen (A) Josiah (C) Anna (KD) Zuheidy (A) Jonathon (A) All other students 2nd Grade Walk to Intervention Cycle 4: December 3-January 9 (Letter in parenthesis indicates Homeroom teacher. A=Alberty, C=Carestia, KD=Davenport, MD=Dutil, R=Rehrer, Y=Yerkes) Student is repeating the same skill for the 2 nd timeRepeating the same skill 3 rd time Repeating the same skill 4 th time Repeating Skill 5 th Time Students for Problem Solving: Gyvan, Jamare, Matthew
Teacher: AdelmanTeacher: Barneman Teacher: GoolsbyTeacher: Taylor Focus of Group: TIER 3 Rewards (multi-syllable, fluency) Focus of Group: Comprehension, Florida Ready LAFS Focus of Group: Comprehension, Florida Ready LAFS Focus of Group: ESE, Barton, fluency, comprehension Zach Zanasia Garrett Tavares Kevin Jason Abigail Syr Christopher Thomas Jordan Jaiden Austin Matthew Alysia Michael Richelle Adrian Davion Faith (M, F) Joey Quinshada (M, F) Christion Teacher: PruettTeacher: Goolsby ON HOLDTeacher: Goolsby Homeroom Classes Focus of Group: Comprehension: Common Core Coach Focus of Group: 3+ Reading 1 or 2 in Math Focus of Group: TIER 3 Comprehension, FOCUS Focus of Group: Ind. Reading w/writ resp/thinking map Paige Austin Jillian Emma Phillip Hailey Gabriel Davie Isaiah Yadira Grace Skye Carlie Evan Faith Quindasha All other students 6th Grade Walk to Intervention Cycle 5: January 20-February 13 (Letter in parenthesis indicates Homeroom teacher. A=Adelman, B=Barneman, G=Goolsby, P=Pruett) Problem Solving: Zanasia (where are we in the process/what do we need to do to move forward?)
Simplified the Problem Solving Process for Teacher Data Team Meetings Apollo Elementary Lynn Santana, Certified School Counselor
Tracking Student Form for Teacher Data Team Meetings Stevenson Elementary Zaida Silva, Certified School Counselor
Stevenson Elementary MTSS Student Tracking Form 1.Teachers complete this form prior to the Teacher Data Team meeting. 2.It helps teachers to organize their students and stay on task about what students need during Teacher Data meetings. 3.Areas to complete: Subject, Skill, Recommendation for Continued Improvement Above Grade Level On Grade Level Below Grade Level
Stevenson Elementary MTSS Student Tracking Form 1.Areas to Complete: Below Grade Level Intervention Progress Monitoring Tool Scatter Plot?
MTSS Checklist, Data Walls & End of Year Student Information Cards MILA Elementary Sara Morrison, Title 1 Teacher
MILA’s MTSS CHECKLIST 1.MTSS Checklist to help guide the teachers through the MTSS problem solving process when looking at students with academic/behavior concerns.
MILA’s Data Wall For Tracking Student in the MTSS Process 1.On this wall, we have placed the IPST Forms 1-8 at the top. Then going down you can see the grade levels K- 6. We use this wall to chart where the students are in the paperwork process. It is a quick glimpse to show teachers where their students are currently at in the process.
MILA’s Tier 2 Data Wall 1.This is our Tier 2 data wall. K-6 is labeled at the top and students names are written to show if they are currently in a Tier 2 intervention.
MILA’s Tier 3 Data Wall 1.This is our Tier 3 data wall for reading, math, and writing. K-6 is labeled at the top and students names are written to show if they are currently in a Tier 3 intervention.
MILA’s Student Placement Card 1.I added a section to our student placement card to show where the students are at in the MTSS process. This way teachers can know if the student was in a Tier 2 or Tier 3 intervention and what subject they were receiving intervention in.
IPST Attendance Checklist, Parent Notification, Student Tracking, Teacher Data Team Collection Tool, & Meeting Outcome Action List Westside Elementary Erika Sentner, Certified School Counselor
IPST Attendance Checklist Parent Letter Invite 1.For the IPST Attendance Checklist, teacher completes the top section. 2.After 4 th attempt, referred to counselor. 3.Counselor completes bottom section. 4.IPST meeting is scheduled and parent is invited.
MTSS and IPST Student Tracker Logs 1.MTSS/IPST Student Tracker log is for monitoring of progress for Tier 2/3 interventions. 2.The sheet is used to track students per grade level for multiple meetings. 3.Allows a quick glance for pre-referral information. 4.PNL = Parent Notification Letter 5.PSO = Psychological Services Office
Meeting Outcome Action List Teacher Data Team MTSS Collection Tool 1.Meeting Outcome Action List guides next actions MTSS/IPST meetings. 2.TDT Collection Tool is used to record level(s) of support provided to the student.
End-Of-Year MTSS/IPST Summary Sheet 1.This tool is used at the end-of-year to provide a summary for each grade level of students who are in the MTSS process.
IPST Student Tracking Sheet, MTSS Tracking for Primary & Intermediate Students, and LLI Grouping Pinewood Elementary Courtney Amick, Title 1 Teacher
IPST Student Tracking Spreadsheet 1.Spreadsheet contains all students currently in the MTSS process. 2.Spreadsheet assists with tracking when student was referred, what skill the student is working on, what OPM tool is being used and additional info pertinent to the student’s file.
LLI Student Tracking Sheet 1.A midyear data tracking sheet for LLI students. 2.This data sheet gives a projection of students’ progress based on projected growth rate. 3.The sheet identifies gaps if students are not making projected progress.
Primary Intervention Tracking Sheet 1.This tool is mainly used for the entire grade level to track intervention data for a quick reference during teacher data meetings. 2.Also, allows to identify which students have continued in the same skill multiple times. 3.Teachers receive this sheet once students have been sorted into skill groups.
Intermediate Intervention Tracking Sheet 1.This tool is mainly used for the entire grade level to track intervention data for a quick reference during teacher data meetings. 2.This tool is used in conjunction with IPST Form 7. 3.Teachers receive this sheet once students have been sorted into skill groups.
Planning for End of Year Things to Remember… Charlie Eccleston MTSS District Trainer
Planning for the end of year: Tier 3 students Schedule wrap-up meeting on student Collect PM data forms Determine next step(s) Place in students IPST file Tier 2 students Wrap up meeting on current groups - individual student progress Collect data forms Determine next step for each student Things to Remember
Develop tracking tool for students needing support Students being retained Students in a current Tier 3 Students that not making progress in Tier 2 Students currently receiving ESE academic/behavioral support Students with attendance issues This information will make transition to the new school year easier and should allow students in need of Tier 3 interventions to begin receiving needed supports sooner Things to Remember