Agenda 1) Warm-Up 5 min 2) Toy Car Lab Due! 3) Review Speed & Velocity Quiz 15 min 4) Physics Vocab. Words 10 min 5) Practice Graphs! 10 min 6) Sig. Fig Notes 20 min 7) Sig Fig WS 20 min Km HOMEWORK CHECK: Place on your desk: *calculator *Orange homework chart *Toy Car Lab, if you did not finish in class.
1.Position-time graph: graph that shows how position depends on clock reading or time. 2.Slope: ratio of the vertical separation of 2 points on a curve or rise, to the horizontal separation of the points, or run; rise divided by run; change in distance/change in time. 3.Velocity-time graph: plot of velocity of an object as a function of time.
Numbers are based on measurement made in the lab. Our data is only as good as the measurements we make and the instruments we use.
Something that has a magnitude size or amount Ex. Length, mass, volume
One system for all scientists around the world; We must have a standard for comparison length-meter (m) mass- kilogram(kg) time- second (s) volume – liter (L)
Added to base units to represent large or smaller quantities SI PrefixUnit Abbreviation Exponential Factor kiloK10 3 hectoh10 2 dekada10 1 BASEm,g,L10 0 decid10- 1 centic10- 2 milli m10 -3 Kiss Her Daily Because Divorce Costs Money
10 g = ____________mg? K h da b d c m 10,000
14.6 dL= __________ kL K h da b d c m
Shows how PRECISE a measurement is Indicates the QUALITY of the instrument you use (how sensitive or exact) EX. Graduated cylinder vs. beaker
Used to write really LARGE or really small #’s Why? To save space & time
Written in the form of mX10 n m: > or equal to 1 AND <10 EX: 1.0X10 3
Step 1) Determine the sig figs 106,000,000 Step 2) Determine the value of M using the sig figs 1.06 Step 3) Add the 10’s multiplier 1.06 x 10 n
Step 4) Determine the value of “n” by counting the number of times you move the decimal in the original number to get the value for “M” Step 5) Determine the sign of “n” by looking at the direction that you moved the decimal in the original # to get the value or “M” If you move the decimal to the left in the orginal # “n” is positive If you move the decimal to the right from the original #, “n” is negative
Multiplication/Division 1) Multiply/ Divide using original numbers 2) Report answer using the same # of sig figs as the least precise measurement in the problem
-Digit to the right is ≥ 5: Round UP -Digit to the right is<5: Round DOWN
1) Add/subtract with original numbers 2) Report answer using the same # of decimal places as the least precise measurement in the problem.
DUE TODAY: Vocab. Chart (KEEP) Sig. Fig Notes (KEEP) Sig. Fig WS DUE NEXT CLASS: Finish SIG FIG Assignment CALCULATOR Binder/folders/CALCULATOR “The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong.” Swami Vivekananda