Providing Feedback on Homework and Practice East Iredell Middle School Early Release Professional Development November 24, 2009
Thoughts & Questions from last session…. These are comments from Exit Cards: How often do you have to give feedback? Do you need to give it on practice? Does it have to be negative, can it be encouragement? Fast & Easy strategies are needed.
Goals of Feedback To improve learning To improve performance on assessments To promote student ownership of learning To encourage self-assessment
Let’s review the research: 1. Feedback should be corrective in nature. 2. Feedback should be timely. 3. Feedback should be specific to a criterion. 4. Students can effectively provide some of their own feedback.
Amount of Feedback Effective Examples Giving feedback on learning targets. Selecting 1 or 2 points to focus feedback on rather than everything at once Ineffective Examples Giving too much feedback on poor quality work. Giving too little or no feedback on high quality work.
Feedback Modes Effective Example Using oral feedback for students who don’t read well Ineffective Example Using written feedback for those students who don’t read well
Feedback Audience Effective Example Giving group or class feedback when the same mini-lesson is required for a number of students Ineffective Example Never giving individual feedback because it takes to much time
Ways to provide feedback Oral/conversations Use of rubrics Written comments Peer Self reflection
Think about …. What type of feedback do you most often give? Why? What kinds of things do I grade? Should I grade homework? Classwork? Should I give a grade for effort? Is it necessary to provide feedback for every single assignment I give?
Feedback is essential in skill shaping. Homework should be a safe place to try out new skills without penalty, just as athletes and musicians try out skills on practice field or in rehearsals before performing. A teacher, who is also a coach, once said, “We don’t keep score during practice.”
Goals for PD – Table Talk Time In groups (by PLC’s or subject), we will discuss some of the ways you give feedback. Review document created by Lakeshore Math Teachers… Can something similar assist teachers at East? List of phrases, for oral or written feedback