Mathematics Mastery Parent Information
A belief and a frustration Success in mathematics for every child Close the attainment gap Mathematics Mastery Ark schools wanted a new taught curriculum to ensure that their aspirations for every child’s mathematics success becomes reality, through significantly raising standards.
Socio-economic gaps Mathematics Mastery
Two Beliefs about Intellectual Ability Innate Ability Effort-Based Ability
Belief in Innate Ability ASSUMPTIONS Ability is fixed “You either have it or you don’t” BELIEFS Inborn intelligence is the main determinant of success OUTCOMES Poor Results Defeatism
Belief in Effort-Based Ability ASSUMPTIONS Effort = Development BELIEFS Consistent effort and effective strategies are the main determinants of success. OUTCOME Engagement Confidence Results
Mathematics Mastery National Curriculum Reform In mathematics there will be additional stretch, with much more challenging content than in the current National Curriculum. We will expect pupils to be more proficient in arithmetic, including knowing number bonds to 20 by Year 2 and times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. The development of written methods - including long multiplication and division - will be given greater emphasis, and pupils will be taught more challenging content using fractions, decimals and negative numbers so that they have a more secure foundation for secondary school.
Mathematics Mastery TIMSS UK has been surpassed internationally in its mathematics performance. Singapore’s students have consistently been top performers in the TIMSS assessment. Clearly, Singapore maths is effective.
Mathematics Mastery Curricular principles Fewer topics in greater depth Opportunities are provided throughout Mathematics Mastery for pupils to use reasoning skills to make connections between prior knowledge and newly presented material. These connections will help foster a deeper understanding of the maths concepts. Mastery for all pupils Differentiation through depth, cumulative learning, AfL Number sense and place value come first Traditional algorithms meaningfully taught Problem solving is central Comprehension, calculation and problem solving developed simultaneously.
Mathematics Mastery Key lesson features Mastering mathematical understanding Mastering mathematical thinking Mastering mathematical language Mastery for all: Structure of learning
Mathematics Mastery Mastering mathematical understanding Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach Bruner, 1960 Reaches out to a variety of learners Sequence is critical – every concept, within a lesson, within a unit. Concrete allows discovery Pictorial allows conceptual understanding Abstract allows a shorter and more efficient way to represent numerical ideas using symbols.
Mastering mathematical thinking Whole class, paired, individual opportunities to Compare (sort, organise) Modify (change, vary, reverse, alter) Generalise (pattern spotting, exemplifying, predict) Learning is generalisation. We want children to think like mathematicians. Not just DO maths…
Mastering mathematical language Mathematics Mastery lessons provide opportunities for pupils to communicate and develop mathematical language through: Sharing essential vocabulary at the beginning of every lesson and insisting on its use throughout Modelling clear sentence structures using mathematical language Paired language development activities (toolkit lesson) Plenaries which give a further opportunity to assess understanding through pupil explanations
Mathematics Mastery Mastery for all: Structure of learning Multi-part lessons Allow for cumulative, scaffolded learning where assessment is crucially feeding in to subsequent segments. Pupils are ‘doing’ straight away. No time is wasted Do Now Task; New Learning; Paired Language Development; Develop Learning; Independent Task; Plenary
Mastery for all: Structure of learning Transitions Used to recall quick number facts or mathematical concepts through chants, actions and songs and to prepare children for learning.
Mathematics Mastery
Children’s work Task sheets File Books Videos Photographs