First Steps in Tuition (Legacy Material) One to One Tuition
Objectives By the end of the session, you will: Understand the importance of following safeguarding procedures. Understand the context and parameters for tuition. Have explored the pedagogy of One to One and small group tuition and be enabled to plan effective personalised intervention. Be aware of further support to assist with delivering tuition.
Safeguarding Schools and tutors must ensure: All tutors have an appropriate HCC enhanced CRB clearance which states their role as either teacher or tutor Tutors have either attended HCC Safeguarding Children training within the last three years, or should attend within the term of starting employment. (This is free of charge) Tutors are aware of internal safeguarding arrangements
Who can be a tutor for One to One tuition? Since 1 st September 2011, tutors have no longer been subject to the strict DfE guidelines surrounding tutor eligibility. Schools will have the final say in whether they require tutors to hold QTS or not. (Please note: HCC has ceased issuing Tutor Registration numbers in relation to this project.)
Payment For tutors who hold QTS, if tuition takes place during the school day tutors should be funded at their scale point hourly rate. The school day is defined by the HT and Governing Body of each school. For non-QTS tutors, the hourly rate for tuition during the school day will be agreed with the tutor. Out of hours payments will be decided at the discretion of the school and negotiated with tutors.
School Systems and Structures What do you need to know about the school you are tutoring in? Fire evacuation procedures Spelling, calculation and handwriting policies Rewards and sanctions Safeguarding guidance and child protection policy Location of key resources Protocols in terms of liaison with parents Information re Children Looked After Key contact in school and how to get in touch out of school hours
Activity Sharing what we know and dispelling the myths
The parameters for tuition suggested minimum of one hour per session, though for KS1 pupils this might be reduced delivered by a tutor with relevant expertise based on targets agreed between class teacher, tutor and pupil not a replacement for other intervention strategies can be delivered within or outside the school day
Selection Criteria pupils who entered the key stage below age related expectations pupils who are falling behind trajectory during the latter stages of a key stage looked after children who would particularly benefit from this support
The benefits of One to One tuition
When is One to One tuition not appropriate? where several pupils fail to grasp a new idea or skill as a replacement for specialist help which is part of the school’s existing provision as a replacement for poor quality first teaching
The ITP and Pupil Passport 2 key documents in the tuition process effective targets are key to tuition importance of the tuition diary
The One to One Session
The One to One Session cont.
Knowing the Pupil: Personalisation Activity: Let’s talk about learning Discuss: how might the class teacher and tutor use the visual map during their initial and review liaison meetings? how could the visual maps be used with pupils during their tuition sessions? how could you share this information with parents?
Pupil Voice – Reviewing my Tuition I used to be shy at maths but now I’ve come alive and put my hands up to answer questions. I used to get stuck but now I get ideas for stories OK and how to structure it and how to add key words and adjectives
Role of the Tutor during the Session models and articulates good learning which focuses on both process and effective strategies provides opportunities for pupils to talk, rehearse ideas and ask questions involves the pupil in assessment which will help them acquire self-checking and self-help skills praises successes
What makes tuition particularly effective for pupils? Tuition: engages pupils in their learning in a way which is not always possible in the classroom provides highly tailored sessions, designed to meet individual needs, delivered by a qualified tutor is delivered at a pace that is appropriate to the pupil builds on what the pupil already knows ensures misunderstandings are quickly identified and addressed at the point of misconception increases pupils’ understanding of what they need to improve and why they need to improve
Pupil Voice – What works for me? You get a good amount of time to consider and get to grips with one thing without pressure… It’s fun... We do fun things like writing to Man U and Girls Aloud. Don’t tell me the answer if I get stuck because that is just like cheating. Just advise me... But every now and then there has to be something serious to make sure I’m making progress
The Website
Plenary Any questions remaining?