Motor skill development Example Discipline: Hand to Hand
Sense of balance The flyer stands on one foot. The flyer stands on porter’s hips (the porter in on hands and knees). The flyer in doing a planche (airplane) on the porter’s feet who is lying down on his back. The porter is moving his legs. The flyer is standing on a small surface (russian bar, beam, narrow planche, etc.
Coordination The flyer is moving his arms while in balance on his porter. The flyer in an airplane on the porter’s feet, the porter is juggling. In a head stand position, take different positions: tuck, pike, straddle, extended. Jumping face to face, both are doing a “high 10” on every second jump.
Spatial orientation The flyer up side down with eyes closed, the porter turn him around. Do cartwheels in a perfect circle. Do 3 times in a row: jump with ½ turn, jump full turn. In a static position, do the same position 4 times facing each time a different wall.