Go to and download course materialhttp:// I will put all slides there Ebooks: Foundations Of Cognitive Psychology - (Malestrom).pdf Greene - Memory, thinking and language.pdf I will use several chapters of these two books in the revision of cognitive psychology classes
March, 6 Everyone: read chapters 7, 10 and 12 from the Foundations of Cognitive Psychology e-book
March, 6 Team 1 (Fabio, Marcia, Maria, Vitor): present the 2 real-world applications articles (will put them on – Borowsky et al - The role of driving experience in hazard perception and categorization - a traffic-scene paradigm – Kreuzbuier & Malter - Embodied cognition and new product design- changing product form to influence brand categorization Presentation: 5 minutes per article, so 10 minutes total with chance for questions after each article