Poultry Improvement Project Viral Diseases and Non Infectious Diseases.


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Presentation transcript:

Poultry Improvement Project Viral Diseases and Non Infectious Diseases

Marek’s Disease Causes and Symptoms Caused by the Herpes virus. Symptoms are sudden death, loss of weight, diarrhea, paralysis of legs or wings. Skin lesions may occur as young as 5 to 8 weeks.

Marek’s Disease Prevention Vaccination. Antibiotics do not work on viral diseases.

Newcastle Disease Causes and Symptoms Caused by a virus. Symptoms include sneezing and droopiness, muscular incoordination (neck and legs), tremors, paralysis.

Newcastle Disease Diagnosis and Prevention Diagnosis is a serum neutralization test. Prevention is a vaccination.

Fowl Pox Symptoms Symptoms are small to yellow blisters on comb and wattles which will scab over.

Fowl Pox Diagnosis and Prevention Diagnosis is identification of the virus. Prevention is with a vaccine.

Infectious Bronchitis Causes and Symptoms Caused by a virus. Symptoms include tracheitis, sneezing, coughing, crackly breathing, and watery eyes.

Infectious Bronchitis Diagnosis and Prevention Diagnosis by isolation of the virus. Prevention is immunization(vaccinate) with a live virus.

Cannibalism Non infectious disease that occurs in fowl raised in captivity. Includes vent picking, toe picking, and head picking. Vent Picking – is the severest form of cannibalism and is usually seen in pullets in high production. It’s caused by a prolaps or tearing of tissue around the vent.

Toe and Head Picking Toe picking may be brought on by hunger and is seen in young chicks. Head picking usually follows injuries to the comb and wattles caused by freezing or fighting.

Fatty Liver Syndrome Excess fat surrounds the liver and body cavities. Usually affects caged birds but may affect floor birds of the heavier (meat) breeds. Prevention TIP-Putting waterers and feeders on opposite sides of the house to allow for exercise may reduce fatty liver syndrome. Also, not over feeding protein may help.

Pendulous Crop Found among chickens 2-3 months of age. Condition may be caused by irregular feeding and by over consumption of feed or water at one time. Always keep plenty of fresh, clean water in front of chickens.

Hysteria Excessive fright (usually only in young pullets or layers). If on the floor, they will pile into the corners and injure themselves. Death in large numbers often results. Keeping a light on the birds at all times and not scaring the birds may provide some prevention.