The Flipped Classroom ABS 2015 Workshop
Overview Using TED to flip your classroom Using video to engage students Using wikispaces to post videos, student work, etc.
Livebinders Resource for this week Want to organize all the web resources you get this week? Livebinders
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Flipped Traditional
TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design) Why use video? e_video_to_reinvent_education e_video_to_reinvent_education Don’t have internet access at home? Use Save Vid:
Video Too Long? TubeChop: Pick out a video from youtube Copy the address Paste it into Tube Chop and edit Tube Chop Tube Chop
Watching Vs. Interacting
How to Get Started Take a few minutes to explore flipped lessons
TedEd Flip Your Own Lesson TedEd: My example: Now you try it! Click on “Create a Lesson” (remember to use Bloom’s taxonomy or the Depth of Knowledge Wheel)
TED Blogs
Creating Your Own Video: Explain Everything:
A Freebie for You Open Ed Open Ed – free resources for teachers that align with common core standards (free, yes it’s really free ) Open Ed
Skype in the Classroom Introduction to Skype in the ClassroomIntroduction to Skype in the Classroom/ Introduction to Skype in the Classroom Find a Teacher Find a Teacher Mystery Skype Mystery Skype
Students learn to read and write when they have an active interest in what they are reading and writing about.
Students need to see the importance of reading— they need to make the connection between learning to read and real-life experiences.
Using Animoto to Increase Reading Comprehension Macbeth Example: learning-upside-down-beth-holland learning-upside-down-beth-holland learning-upside-down-beth-holland
Animoto Macbeth Music Integration: Imagine (my video) Music Integration: Imagine (my video) I focused on what the big idea or theme is from the song.
Pick a song that is meaningful to you to create a 30 second Animoto video. You can take photos or get them online. Photosforclass is a great website for photos and is useful too. OR you can choose any topic.
Ideas For the Text of Your Animoto Video ENGLISH/LANGUAGE ARTS INTEGRATION: Author Tools: es/printables/priv/07/ pdf es/printables/priv/07/ pdf es/printables/priv/07/ pdf Character Analysis: plan/character-sheet-and-traits-list plan/character-sheet-and-traits-list plan/character-sheet-and-traits-list
Creating Your Own Video Flipping Science Class: learning-upside-down-beth-holland learning-upside-down-beth-holland learning-upside-down-beth-holland Having students WATCH a video probably won’t increase their comprehension. They must INTERACT with the video. How? Graphic Organizer? Guiding questions/activities during video work well.