Supporting & Advancing Recovery in Mental Health Care OCE Advancing Health Partnering Forum May 8, 2015
Mental Health Facts
Of those who need mental health services in Canada actually receive them 1/3 Of Canadians aged die by suicide annually. It is the second leading cause of death for the age group. 1/4 Of chil dho od cas es of me ntal hea lth pro ble ms can be add ress ed thr oug h earl y dia gno sis and inte rve ntio ns. 70% Children in Ontario have a serious mental illness. 500,000 Of adults don’t know the signs of significant mental health problems in children and youth. 40%
Open Minds, Health Minds: Ontario’s Comprehensive Mental Health & Addictions Strategy 1. Improve mental health and well-being for all Ontarians 2. Create healthy, resilient, inclusive communities 3. Identify mental health and addictions problems early and intervene 4. Provide timely, high quality, integrated, person-directed healthand other human services
Mental Health Innovation Bootcamp One of our biggest challenges is that mental health and addictions services are fragmented, spread across several ministries and offered in a variety of care settings.
Critical Issues Facing Mental Health Organizations Early intervention & assessment Coordination of services & communication is challenging Patients owning their own illness
Problem Statement There is no standardized way to collect, maintain, and share patients’ recovery goals to support their treatment
What is Recovery in Mental Health?
How can we standardize collection & sharing of the patient’s recovery goals to support treatment? Patient & Recovery Goals Hospitals Community Supports Primary Care Natural Supports
Contacts Simone Papernick Patient Care Manager, Mental Health Program Mackenzie Health Sanaz Riahi Director, Professional Practice & Clinical Information Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences