Flashcards are one of the best tools for memorizing information because they test the individual using them repeatedly until they have memorized the information. There are many ways to create them and types of flash cards that will help you in memorizing the information. We have all used flash cards at least once in our life time to study concepts that we had trouble with. When we were learning our multiplication table the teacher would test our knowledge by taking out the flash cards and showing us one by one to see if we knew the answer.
It is very easy to create flash cards. To start you have to select the information you think is the most important, or the information you have trouble with from your text or notes. Making flash cards as you learn will help you remember which concepts you need to work on more or are more important. Use 3”x5’ size cards (index cards) and carry them with you for whenever you need them. Separate them into chapters, subject or whatever will help you from forgetting or getting confused. Do so by using different colored cards or by highlighting important word or key words. Then you write the word, question, problem, picture, or concept on one side of the card. In the other side you put the answer to the question. Summarize information to add on your cards and don’t add to much on them because it will make it harder for you to remember so much.
There are many ways of making flash cards that best suite your way of learning. Here are some examples: Math problem flash cards.
Helps you remember definitions and other concepts that you might have a hard time understanding and remembering.
Pictures help you visualize certain concepts or identify where places are located.
Questions are good because you can add questions that you think will be on the exam or questions that your instructor said you should know.
Easy to make Can carry them anywhere you go so you can study whenever. Easy to understand because you made them according to your learning style. You can shuffle them so that they appear at different times that way you can remember the answer instead of memorizing the order. You can take out the cards that you already know and work on the ones that you still have a hard time understanding.
This study skill can be a great way to have fun while studying. You can study by yourself or with a group. You can make a game out of them. You can play by trying to see who can get the most cards. Jeopardy
Flash cards are a great tool for memorizing information. Different ways of making them. Easy to carry and study. Good way to have fun while studying.
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