Why do we spend millions of dollars to explore the solar system?
Solar System Exploration Why do we spend millions of dollars? What is there to gain from exploring? What life is out there? What can we learn from exploring our solar system?
Solar System By Austin Brown
Planets How many planets are there? How many of these planets can sustain life? How many of these planets have moons? How many of the planets have a ring?
Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
About the Planets Moons All planets except for Mercury and Venus have at least one moon Saturn has the greatest number of moons with 18 and 4 more likely All moons have a name and earth’s moon is called Luna
More about the planets Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn all have rings around them Saturn’s ring is the most magnificent because of its bright colors and size. (can be seen from earth)
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What do we gain from space exploration? For over 40 years we have explored space and brought back many things that have enhanced our lives. Water filtration systems Ultra small electronic circuits that enhance medical advances Plastic like metals used in jewelry and sporting goods
What do we gain from space exploration? Aviation safety systems used for pilots Intelligent ovens that allow you to begin cooking dinner before you arrive home LASIK surgery Mammogram Interpretation Sunshields Many other things
What is there to gain from exploring? Space exploration is an engine for creation Creates high tech jobs Creates high paying jobs It adds resources to our planet we once did not have Search for supplements to life here on earth
Is there life on other planets? Polar ice caps have been discovered on Mars Length of the day on Mars is almost identical to earth Mars’ axial tilt is similar to earth
Mariner 4 A probe sent to Mars that returned the first pictures Photos showed no rivers, oceans or any signs of life Discovered the atmospheric pressure was to great for life on Mars Started a search for bacteria on Mars instead of multi-cell organisms
Viking Orbiter Sent to Mars to search for water Found evidence of possible river Detect microorganisms in the soil Detected a higher level of carbon However no organic molecules were found
What can we learn from exploring our solar system? Learn if there is other life out there Learn if other beings exist in other galaxies Learn more about global warming Learn more about environmental changes Learn more about climate changes
Why we spend millions of dollars to explore the solar system. Technological advances Medical advances Inspiration of students to learn Resources for earth Discovery To beat the Russians to the moon during the Cold War
Is it worth the millions spent? Medical advantages that may save lives Resources that make life easier for us Motivation of students to learn especially in science and math Discovery