The Frick Collection 弗里克收 藏馆 Home of Frick 煤矿大亨亨利弗里克的宅邸 Henry Clay Frick.


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Presentation transcript:

The Frick Collection 弗里克收 藏馆

Home of Frick 煤矿大亨亨利弗里克的宅邸 Henry Clay Frick

Guggenheim Museum 古根海姆博物馆

Metropolitan Museum Of Art 大都会博物馆

Metropolitan Museum of Art (5th Avenue and 82nd Street)

Museum of Modern Art 现代艺术博物馆

Museum of Modern Art


Matisse French painter

Whitney Museum of American Art 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆 Whitney Museum of American Art 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City

Number on map Museum Metropolitan Museum of Art Whitney Museum of American Art The Frick Collection Museum of Modern Art Guggenheim Museum Match the number on the map with the names of the museum.

Match the names in column I with the collections in column II. I 1. Museum of Modern Art 2. The Frick Collection 3. Whitney Museum of American Art 4. Metropolitan Museum of Art 5. Guggenheim Museum

II a. Pre-twentieth century Western paintings b. Art collection covering more than 5, 000 years of civilization from many parts of the world c. Great works of art from the late 19th century to the 21st century d. 5, 000 modern paintings, sculptures and drawings e. Contemporary American painting and sculpture

Match the names in column I with the collections in column II. I 1. Museum of Modern Art 2. The Frick Collection 3. Whitney Museum of American Art 4. Metropolitan Museum of Art 5. Guggenheim Museum c a e b d

III. 根据括号内的提示,将下列句子翻译 成英语。 1. 出国工作这个想法对我来说确实有吸引 力。 (appeal to) The idea of working abroad really appeals to me.

2. 这对夫妇在地震中去世,他们的孩子成 了孤儿。 ( 动词 -ing 形式作结果状语 ) 3. Mary 总是以我姐姐的语气和我说话。 (as if) The couple died in the earthquake, leaving their child an orphan. Mary always talks to me as if she were my elder sister.

4. 让人惊讶的是 Bob 竟然通过了这次考 试。 (It is amazing that...) 5. 公共汽车每隔 5 分钟发一班车。 (every) It is amazing that Bob passed the exam. The buses go every five minutes.