Using Keystone Exam Data to Assess the Biology Curriculum Lou Anne Gasperine
Keystone Exams Background Part of the new graduation requirements Designed to be an end of course assessment. Q: How does your biology curriculum stack up?
Score Ranges
Performance Summary by Anchor Q: What anchor(s) are we not addressing well enough … or at all ? Q: What anchor(s) are addressing that we may cut down on the time ? Q: Do we have common assessments within the course and across instructors ?
Total Test Performance Level Name Module 1 Scaled Score Module 2 Scaled Score Module 1 Raw Score (33 possible) Module 1 Anchor 1 Raw Score (8 possible) Module 1 Anchor 2 Raw Score (9 possible) Module 1 Anchor 3 Raw Score (8 possible) Module 1 Anchor 4 Raw Score (8 possible) Module 2 Raw Score (33 possible) Module 2 Anchor 1 Raw Score (8 possible) Module 2 Anchor 2 Raw Score (8 possible) Module 2 Anchor 3 Raw Score (8 possible) Module 2 Anchor 4 Raw Score (9 possible) Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv Adv Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro Pro
5. Which sequence lists the levels of organization in the human body from simplest to most complex? (1) organ system > tissue > cell > organ (2) tissue > cell > organ > organ system (3) organ > organ system > tissue > cell (4) cell > tissue > organ > organ system Answer: 4 SAS Web Site – Assessments Portal Sample Questions to Use Base your answers to the following questions on the diagram below which shows a model of human inheritance. The diagram shown is called a (1) Punnett square (2) pedigree chart (3) dichotomous key (4) flowchart Answer 1
School Summary Report Q: How did we stack up against all the state testers ? Q: How many students are on the “bubble” ? How can we help the students on the bubble get to the next level?
Ecosystems & Biomes - Sample Questions from Study Island 1.Which choice below shows the organization of the biosphere from the most specific category to the broadest category? a.Organism community population ecosystem biome b.Organism population community ecosystem biome c.Organism population community biome ecosystem d.Organism community population biome ecosystem 2. A herd of cattle is an example of ecosystem b.a biome c.a population d.a community
*Challenge this adult learner to examine their student data compared to others in the department. [ Focus on data mining ] *Challenge the department to become a “team” to collectively examine the content of the curriculum. [ Establish a PLC ] [ Align curriculum to the anchors and standards ] *Challenge all the biology teachers to create common assessments to assure all relevant content is being delivered. [Examine course documents for commonality ] *Challenge each teacher to be self-reflective about the delivery of each lesson. [ Examine your own teaching practices and look for best practice items ] *Encourage teachers to observe each other and look for best practices for daily lessons. [Determine one aspect of classroom instruction and analyze styles of delivery] *Encourage individuals to take on leadership roles for each meeting clarifying ideas, facilitating discussions, or taking an opposing perspective to develop a sense of empathy. [ Ask for volunteers to take leadership roles in each department meeting ] Possible Professional Development Using Keystone Data
*Assess student learning and how it compares in class to test scores. *Discuss how team (department) members work together: -Develop SMART goals -Develop meeting procedures (starting / ending times, attendance, discussion differences -Determine how to resolve conflicts within the team -Set guidelines on how to give and take relevant feedback on instructional practice -Decide how to determine if improvements occur and how to celebrate improvements *Create opportunities for individuals to create common assessments. *Provide encouragement for individuals to share input on issues under discussion *Create opportunities for individuals to set own goals and to experience self-reflection according to the goals *Provide opportunities for mentoring team members to experience learning and growing as well as “holding” environments within the classroom Possible Professional Development Using Keystone Data