The project has been carried out by Vasilenko Valeria and Golentsov Michael. The group of faculty of law. Monitoring and controlling the produce quality at local enterprises as an example of Domodedovo mechanical bakery LTD.
Studying theoretical and real aspects of produce quality at the mechanical bakery. Studying theoretical and real aspects of produce quality at the mechanical bakery. The object of the study:
The subjects of the study Analyzing theoretical principles of produce quality control; Estimation of the existing states of management at industrial institutions; To develop the recommendations on creating and providing the managerial effectiveness.
Output quality The quality of product is a real estimation of its correspondence to their indexes, individual and public expectation, real standards made by the customer. The quality of the product depends on: Final raw material quality; Machinery state of being; Technological process state of being; Management of goods delivery to trading places; Personnel qualification. All these mentioned characteristics are in tight relation with the output quality. If any of them fail the connection quality fails too.
As we know bread provides our organism with protein, carbo-hydrate, enriching our body with magnesium, phosphorus, potassium which are very important for our brain activity. The medical scientists suppose that an adult should eat about grams of bread during 24 hours or if he/she works hard – 700 grams. As we know bread provides our organism with protein, carbo-hydrate, enriching our body with magnesium, phosphorus, potassium which are very important for our brain activity. The medical scientists suppose that an adult should eat about grams of bread during 24 hours or if he/she works hard – 700 grams. Mechanical Bakery LTD in Domodedovo city The daily produce of bread and buns accounts to 80 tons, cakes and confectionery to 10 tons. All produce output meets the demands of contemporary technology and only high quality native raw materials are always used. Almost half of his energy a person compensates by bread. And nothing in our life can substitute. There are more than 10,000 mechanical bakeries (1,5 biggest included) and bake houses in Russia which can produce about 70 tons of bread, or 500 kg per man. Let’s consider one of them – the Domodedovo mechanical bakery.
The preference of the customers Bread and Cakes: Bread of rough grist – 28% Shaped white bread – 26% Long loaves and buns – 25% Small loaves and fancy bread – 13% Round white bread – 5% Dietetic corn bread – 3% Confectionery: Honey-cakes – 32% Putt pastry buns– 20% Oatmeal pastry – 19% Biscuits, rolls, cakes – 16% Short wares – 13%
Taking into consideration the choice of baking we should mention its insufficiency as it brings to raise of competition. The main competitor to the Domodedovo mechanical bakery is the Podolsk bakery combine which produces about 100 tons of bread 24 hours. It’s general market is the Podolsk region and Moscow city. In the Domodedovo region because of the transport problems the delivery of bread is not sufficient sometimes one can still find stale bread which can bring to failure of customers confidence.
The whole process of controlling the produce quality is carried out by the General manager. The Senior manager who coordinates the operation and functioning the control system. He is responsible for produce quality. In today’s market economic relations the primary object of production is a complex system of controlling and management. The quality of the product depends on interaction of all brunches of production system, and if one element doesn’t operate properly then the system quality control falls out of step. Thus, the management or quality control of the final output should be organized in the way that satisfies the customer’s demand.
The system of quality control is considered to be a main factor for the success of each production. We would like to attract your attention to an effective program which probably can increase competitiveness of the business. To be successful the following actions should be taken into consideration: High level of goods quality and correspondingly competitiveness. The customer wants to have goods of high quality; To meet the standards and thus to decrease produce cost price; To apply new technology and improvement of production; To renew means of transport; To create modern warehouses; To improve marketing; To raise professional skills of the personnel. Conclusion