Revelation Revelation 15:1—16:9 The Exultation of the Redeemed And the Seven Bowls of Wrath John sees “another sign” – 7 angels with the 7 last plagues (15:1). John also sees those who are victorious over the beast standing on the sea of glass with harps (15:2-4) They sing the song of Moses and the Lamb A song of victory (Exodus 15:1ff.) A song of justice (2 Peter 3:9-10; Jude 15)
Revelation Revelation 15:1—16:9 The Exultation of the Redeemed And the Seven Bowls of Wrath John then looks and sees the temple opened in heaven (15:5; cf. 11:18-19) Seven angels come out of the temple (15:6-7) They are given the 7 last plagues in which “the wrath of God is complete” (15:1) Their attire is similar to that of Christ (1:13) The temple is filled with smoke from God’s glory and power (15:8; Exodus 19:18; 1 Kings 8:10-11; Isaiah 6:1-4)
Revelation 15:1—16:9 The Seven Bowls of Wrath The angels are ordered to pour the bowls of God’s wrath (16:1) [Note the similarity to the 7 Trumpets] The 1st Bowl is poured on the earth; a sore came upon those who had the mark of the beast (16:2) The 2nd Bowl is poured on the sea; it becomes blood (16:3) The 3rd Bowl is poured on the rivers; they become blood (16:4) God is praised for His justice in giving those who shed the blood of the saints blood to drink (16:5-7) The 4th Bowl is poured on the sun and men are scorched with great heat (16:8-9)
Seven Trumpets Seven Bowls Revelation Seven Trumpets Seven Bowls Hail, fire and blood thrown to earth (8:7) Mountain thrown in sea, becomes blood (8:8) Star falls on rivers, they become bitter (8:10-11) 1/3 of sun, moon & stars are struck (8:12) Locusts from pit darken skies, torment men (9:1) Army of 200 million released at Euphrates (9:13) Christ reigns, there are thunderings, earthquake & great hail (11:15-19) Poured on earth; a foul sore (16:2) Poured on sea; it became blood (16:3) Poured on rivers; they became blood (16:4) Poured on sun; men are scorched (16:8-9) Poured on throne of beast; his kingdom is dark, men are in pain (16:10-11) Poured on Euphrates; way of kings prepared (16:12) Poured in air. There are thunderings, lightnings, a great earthquake & hail (16:17-21)
Revelation 16:10-21 The Seven Bowls of Wrath The 5th Bowl is poured on the throne of the beast and it becomes dark (16:10-11) The 6th Bowl is poured on the Euphrates; it is dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east (16:12) Deceptive spirits from the dragon, beast and false prophet gather their forces for battle. They gather at a place called Armageddon (16:13-16) This battle is mentioned only here in the Bible. The entire description must be taken figuratively; it is beyond the boundaries of literal reality.
Armageddon (Mt. Megiddo) Revelation Armageddon (Mt. Megiddo) In the OT, a place of conflict between God’s people and their enemies (Judges 5:19; 2 Kings 23:29)
Armageddon (Mt. Megiddo) In Revelation 16:16, Armageddon is the symbolic scene of ultimate conflict between the forces of the Dragon and the forces of the King of Kings.
Revelation 16:10-21 The Seven Bowls of Wrath The 7th Bowl completes the bowls of wrath and God’s judgment upon the enemies of His people – “It is done”. Noises, thunderings and a great earthquake accompany this bowl. The great city was divided and Babylon was remembered before God – to give her the wine of God’s wrath (The details are left for later). Every island fled away and the mountains were not found. Great hail fell and men blasphemed God.