Glimpses…into the world of :– National/ International Education… shekhar H
Welcome to one of the most exciting periods of life!!!
2MM Regardless of nationality, as soon as a student completes the 8th grade, the clock starts ticking. From that very moment the child has approximately - …Two Million Minutes until high school graduation…Two Million Minutes to build their intellectual foundation…Two Million Minutes to prepare for college and ultimately career…Two Million Minutes to go from a teenager to an adult
In other words…. How a student spends their Two Million Minutes - in class, at home studying, playing sports, working, sleeping, socializing or just goofing off -- will affect their economic prospects for the rest of their lives. AND… Reality is :- We are NOW left with 1MM….
The New Reality In the 21st Century, everyone in the world can compete on an equal footing with everyone else. Therefore the difference between success and failure will be the ability to communicate and to understand.
The Borderless World The End of Walls The End of Distance The End of Time The End of Costs According to the US State Department, there are 192 independent countries in the world. According to the Department of Commerce’s Trade Compliance Center, the United States is currently involved in 271 trade agreements and treaties. Advanced communications technology means that anyone can contact anyone else, at any time.
Name the Car you would like to Buy….. Shekhar Hardikar
Do we still think of Premier Padmini- Ambassador Shekhar Hardikar
If not Why?.. Shekhar Hardikar
Questions that any student has…….. ‘Will it teach me what I need to know? ‘Will it get me where I want to be? shekhar H
Concerns from Parents…. Parents want to know that a qualification has International value and is accepted by Universities and Employers as evidence of real ability in the subject studied. shekhar H
Skills (a) Technical and technological skills, (b) Visionary skills, Seven skills that are necessary for meaningful work in 21st century: (a) Technical and technological skills, (b) Visionary skills, (c) Organizational skills, (d) Persuasive skills, (e) Communication skills, and (f) Ability to learn. (g)Problem Solving and Critical thinking shekhar H
Available Boards There are state, national and international boards like the Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC), Indian Certificate for Secondary Education (ICSE), Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE), National Institute of Open School (NIOS), International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE-CIE) International Baccalaureate (IB). shekhar H
MV Dhulasia School- Kotecha Chowk
SSC ( Gujarat Board) 10th Std equivalent for Gujarat- Vadodara/ HSC – Gandhinager. 39 state boards in India All Subjects – 5 subjects by board/ MCQ upto 50%, 2 subjects assessed by School Exam Reforms committee trying to included changes on the lines of CBSE English medium Vs. Gujarati medium Admissions in Gujarat and UGC affiliations… GUJCET- and admission criterions shekhar H
HSC 5 subjects Semester system from June 2011 Admissions/ Shifting Proposed changes:- effective from June 2011 5 subjects Semester system from June 2011 Admissions/ Shifting Semester 1 -3 objective types/ Semester 2-4 subjective types Result after all 4 semesters- syllabus will be restructured to accommodate changes for 11th and 12th GUJCET? Admissions to professional Prog?
Are You Happy …. being a Global Entrepreneur Or a Local Entrepreneur Regional Entrepreneur National Entrepreneur Or a Global Entrepreneur Shekhar Hardikar
SN Kansagra School
CISCE Council for The Indian School Certificate Examination Head Quarters New Delhi The COUNCIL was established in 1958 by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate to ensure that its examinations become adapted to the educational needs of the country and assign the ultimate control of the same on the COUNCIL. The COUNCIL was registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 on 19 December, 1967. shekhar H
ICSE ICSE; projects are integral part and there is emphasis on English language. ICSE Syllabus is Extensive. Prepares students for National competitions. shekhar H
ICSE Gives Option of choosing streams and subjects as early as 8th std. Students can drop a subject like Mathematics from this level. Some boards give these options at grade 11-12. International Boards gives range of subjects and choices that students need/ want for excellence. shekhar H
ISC 5 subjects NO Major Change proposed as compared to CBSE/State Board Options based on Choice of professional prog Subject reviews ( E.Ed might be added to subjects and removed as a separate subject) Common Admissions Tests
Central Board of Secondary Education UP board set up in 1921, with rapid growth in 1952 was renamed as Central Board of Secondary Education. Board today has 8979 schools on 31-03-2007 including 141 schools in 21 countries. There are 897 Kendriya Vidyalayas, 1761 Government Schools, 5827 Independent Schools, 480 Jawahar Novodaya Vidyalayas and 14 Central Tibetean Schools. shekhar H
CBSE CBSE, offers in-depth view of all subjects. While English is functional, meaning K.V. offers certain subjects in Hindi/ English also. Syllabus is Intensive. Prepares students for National competitions. shekhar H
CBSE CBSE international XII 5 subjects and similar system New Options will be offered in India too X grade exams optional!! FA/SA and chaos (?) AT ( aptitude test) and PT ( proficiency test) Common Syllabus for Math/ Science proposed from 2012 Common Exams for Professional Prog by 2013 XII 5 subjects and similar system Similar subject options CBSE international
National Institute of Open Schooling Accepted by AIU Equally challenging programs/ courses General Image – for students/ parents shekhar H
NIOS study Center @ MV Dhulasia School
shekhar H
International Boards in India Qualification from UK Qualifications from USA Qualifications from Switzerland Qualifications from Australia shekhar H
Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) shekhar H
CIE University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) is the world’s largest provider of international qualifications for 14–19 year olds. CIE has worked in partnership with ministries of education, qualifications authorities and examination and assessment boards around the world for over 150 years. In some countries such as Singapore Cambridge examinations are the state qualification for students in secondary school. shekhar H
What is CIE ? University of Cambridge Cambridge CIE Assessment shekhar H
shekhar H
Common characteristics of Cambridge IGCSE/ AS/A syllabuses Develops students’ independent learning, problem solving and enquiry skills. Develops students’ knowledge and understanding across key subjects allowing schools to build world class curriculum. Flexibility and cultural sensitivity helps students’ individualize the curriculum shekhar H
IGCSE……. means The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is a globally recognized qualification, offered by CIE in 125 countries, for 14-16 years old , in over 70 subjects, since September 1985; taken at the Grade 10 level, similar to the Grade 10 examinations of the CBSE and ICSE or the middle years Program of the IB. shekhar H
Two Exam Sessions every Year:- IGCSE/GCE –A levels assessment is conducted by UK assessment organization: Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) Two Exam Sessions every Year:- May/ June and October/November. IGCSE/ GCE-A levels is Linear not Modular, so results in one session do not carry over to the next. shekhar H
11th and 12th Advance Subsidiary level Advance levels 5/6 subjects at As Level Advance levels 3/4 Subjects at A levels Current trends students choose more than 6/7 subjects
Joining CIE Any child after MYP or class X exam English Compulsory (11th std English equivalent o 12th Std language of any other board) Freedom to choose subjects Choices dependent on Professional growth/ aim/ admission to universities Exams Twice in a Year Reappearing for Improvement in Grades
For Students in India, CIE provides Grade equivalent in percentage, CIE also provides “expected grade certificate” which is accepted by most universities as per Association of Indian Universities(AIU) and students need to submit final mark sheets when they get their results in August. shekhar H
AS level exam at the end of 1 or 2 years ‘ It is recognized by the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) as being at par with CBSE, ICSE, etc. AS level exam at the end of 1 or 2 years A’ level exam at the end of 2 years (usually) AS level at the end of 1 year + ‘A’ level at the end of 2 years shekhar H
For Details Visit
International Baccalaureate Organization Shekhar Hardikar
Fact…… There are more than 9,00,000 IB students at 3147 schools in 140 countries. ... Shekhar Hardikar
Boards at a glance ISC Std. 11-12 IB- Diploma Prog. CIE As/ A levles Full form Indian School Certificate (ISC) International Baccalaureate Advance Subsidiary Advance Levels Exams organized by Council for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Education Board HQ New Delhi Switzerland Shekhar Hardikar
Overview of the IB programs The IB offers comprehensive, research-based curricula, aligned with rigorous international standards. Each of the three academic programs emphasizes: Flexible, yet comprehensive curriculum with rigorous international standards Unique approach to trans-disciplinary learning using multiple instructional methodologies and teaching strategies Presentation Title recommended size is 20 point Trebuchet, all caps. Minimum Title size:18 point Trebuchet, all caps. Can be stacked in two lines if necessary. Maximum Title size 24 point Trebuchet, all caps. Global focus with an emphasis on intercultural understanding Development of the whole child, including requirements for arts and community service Shekhar Hardikar 48
The Big Questions What is the IB? How does it work? How is it distinctive? What do universities and employers think? Who is it for? Shekhar Hardikar
What is the IB Diploma Programme? A two year course equivalent to any 12th Grade HSC/ ISC/CBSE/As- A level programme. Requiring students to study six subjects. Tested by coursework and final exams. Complemented by the theory of knowledge, an extended essay and a commitment to creativity, action and service . Leading to an internationally recognised qualification for university entrance. Shekhar Hardikar
Group 3 Individuals & Societies Group 4 Experimental Sciences The Hexagon Group 1 Language 6 Subjects theoretically, all pupils take one from each group Plus the Core Theory of Knowledge Extended Essay Creativity, Action, Service Group 6 The Arts Group 2 Second Language Group 3 Individuals & Societies Group 5 Mathematics Group 4 Experimental Sciences Shekhar Hardikar © IBO (adapted)
The Hexagon Each worth 7pts + 3 for the Core = 45 pts overall Group 1 Language English HL/SL Group 2 Second Language All pupils take: 3 Standard (SL) 3 Higher (HL) Each worth 7pts + 3 for the Core = 45 pts overall Group 6 The Arts French HL/SL** Hindi SL Visual Arts HL/SL Maths HL/SL Maths Studies SL Eco/Busi.& Mgmt. Geo/Psycho History HL/SL Biology Chemistry Physics & EVS HL/SL Group 5 Mathematics Group 3 Individuals & Societies Group 4 Experimental Sciences Shekhar Hardikar
Why 6 Subjects? A rounded and full education. Options open for: Discovering new interests and abilities. Changes of heart and mind. University and career choices. Many pupils are simply far too young to narrow their intellectual horizons at 15-18. Shekhar Hardikar
Breadth and Depth Higher Level (HL) subjects give the depth. Standard Level (SL) subjects add the breadth. Shekhar Hardikar
Plus… The Core EE ToK CAS Extended Essay Theory of Knowledge Creativity, Action, Service EE ToK CAS Shekhar Hardikar
Theory of Knowledge Challenges Pupils to: Ask questions Appreciate uncertainty and difference Develop critical judgement Detect bias Reflect Shekhar Hardikar
Theory of Knowledge- TOK Would it make any difference if maths did not exist? Can you think without using words? How do we tell right from wrong? Shekhar Hardikar
Extended Essay:- NO EE NO Diploma 4,000 words over 40 hours of private study and writing. Develops the independent research and writing skills and the academic honesty expected by universities. Allows pupils to choose and develop an area of passionate personal interest within one of their subjects. turnitin Shekhar Hardikar
Extended Essay … The opportunity to investigate a topic of special interest. Way to add breadth to high school learning . Way to deepen studies by selecting a topic in one of the IB courses selected by student. Shekhar Hardikar
-:Creativity, Action and Service:- The Whole Person.. 150 hours required over two years No CAS; No Diploma Spirit of CAS: learning through experience leadership and teamwork responsible, compassionate citizenship local and global engagement developing the whole person Shekhar Hardikar
CAS Creativity Action and Service Music, Dance, Drama, Debating Art, Design Film, Writing Action and Service Sports Expeditions Aid Projects Community Service Fundraising Shekhar Hardikar
Assessment in the Diploma Programme—External assessment Some assessment tasks are conducted and overseen by teachers without the restrictions of examination conditions, but are then marked externally by examiners. Examples include: world literature assignments for language A1 written assignments for language A2 essays for theory of knowledge and extended essays.
Assessment in the Diploma Programme—students are assessed both internally and externally in ways that measure individual performance against stated objectives for each subject. In most subjects at least some of the assessment is carried out internally by teachers, who mark individual pieces of work produced as part of a course of study. Examples include: oral exercises in language subjects projects student portfolios class presentations practical laboratory work mathematical investigations artistic performances.
Issues: INDIA Three major issues: 1. Timing of the Indian school year. The release of exam results on July 5th for May session exams is late as compared to the Indian HSC exam results which are issued in the first week of June. 2. The percentile equivalence to IB DP grades as there is a great demand for admissions in the leading Indian colleges. 3. Need to get predicted grades accepted by more universities. Need to ensure validity of predicted grades. Shekhar Hardikar
Progress: INDIA The Association of Indian Universities based in New Delhi has accepted the DP as equivalent to the +2 program in India. University of Mumbai / University of Pune /University of Delhi / Symbiosis / University of Bangalore and many more universities Accept students with IBDP grades. Shekhar Hardikar
For professional courses like engineering and medical, entrance tests are mandatory. IB DP students are eligible to sit for these tests provided they have opted for the right subject combinations. Comparative Curriculum Study (IB DP vs. ICSE vs. CBSE Board) underway with CIE, University of Delhi. Shekhar Hardikar
INDIA- Schools have two options; A) Indian school students could sit for the November Exam Session (Currently University of Mumbai accepts predicted grades and will take students with certificates 24+) This is sent by IBAP to schools latest by July 10th. Shekhar Hardikar
INDIA- Schools have two options b) Issue accurate predicted grades for provisional admission into Indian Colleges. Thus an additional mark sheet is being issued for students seeking admission in Indian colleges only if their schools make a request to IBCA on a B2 form. Shekhar Hardikar
Last But Not the Least…. Never Choose a Programme because MOST students follow that….or SEEMS popular There are Many a MORE options than we think that they exist…
Questions…. shekhar H
Thank- You shekhar H