The general design concept A new sanctuary at the East end of our campus A lower level beneath that sanctuary Renovations to the existing West wing to accommodate teen ministry Renovations to existing connector hallway for relocated administrative office space
Conceptual building design
Conceptual balcony design
Conceptual building design
Conceptual design for lower level
Conceptual building design
How would this be paid for? 6 year capital campaign, with two 3 year commitment phases Campaign goal for years 1-3 = $1,350,000 Campaign goal for years 4-6 = $1,100,000 (?) Total goal for years 1-6 ≈ $2,450,000
How would this be paid for? Using the best information we have right now on financing, reaching these goals would cover all projected costs related to the project – Mortgage principal and interest – Additional utilities expense – Additional expenses related to new ministry we would be doing What happens in year 7? – Those payments would need to be covered out of the General Fund (regular offerings)
How would this be paid for? How big of a mortgage payment? – Many unknowns at this juncture Actual amount raised in capital campaign Financing terms (interest rate, length) – Ballpark estimate based on our early research and our campaign assumptions Roughly an extra week’s giving per month (20-25% growth)
Capital campaign timeline Opening communications sent in February “Quiet phase” (leadership pledges) beginning in February Complete literature and information distributed in March Educational events for “creative” ways to give April 6 – Commitment Sunday
From the CEFC Bylaws CEFC Bylaws, Section 13.I: “At Regular or Special Business Meetings, a simple majority of the votes cast shall pass any motions, except as follows. (An abstention is not to be considered a vote cast.) A two-thirds majority of the votes cast, by secret ballot, will be required for the calling of a Pastor, the acquisition or improvement of property and/or buildings worth more than $10,000, amendments to the Constitution or By-laws, the dissolution of the church, or a question regarding the church’s denominational affiliation.” (emphasis added)
Previously adopted motion (Nov. ‘12) “A vote of yes, that: The Elder-Board is hereby clear to form a Building Committee, to provide that Committee with direction for our church needs, to request any specifics as to a design and approve a design by the Committee at the Boards discretion, but of necessity within the price range approved by the vote tonight of app. $ 1,500, This vote will constitute the full good faith vote of commitment of our Congregation. The Board will only call a special congregational meeting if it’s planning results in expenses greater than described.” An amendment is proposed and adopted to have 30% (approx. $450,000) of the funds in hand or pledged before construction and given by completion.
What has been done with that motion? …The Elder Board is hereby clear to… – Form a building committee – Provide that committee with direction for our church needs – Request any specifics as to a design – Approve a design by the committee at the Board’s discretion – But of necessity within the price range approved by the vote tonight (Nov. 12, 2012) of app. $1,500,000.00
What has been done with that motion? “The Board will only call a special congregational meeting, if its planning results in expenses greater than described.”