The Spirit-filled Church What should we look like?
Luke has a story to tell… Acts 2:43 “Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.” But Luke tells the story of only one wonder in particular. Why?
Luke wants us to learn… This miracle is the catalyst for a second sermon by Peter The miracle & sermon were cause of 1st church persecution. Tension between church and Jewish religious is stirred. Arrest of Peter & John, death of Stephen.
Power came down… Turns despairing doubters into dynamic disciples Energized them to be witnesses to Jesus Christ and the gospel God shows Himself to be Healer
Literal & symbolic healing Man had suffered for 40 yrs His life is a picture of the tragedy of the human condition He sat in the Gate Beautiful We all need a heavenly touch from God
We Impart Expectancy (v3-5) He sat there in the “ninth hour.” (same hour Jesus died on cross) He expected to get something from those going to pray to God “Look at us…” quickened his faith
We impart healing (v 6-7) Peter admitted his bankruptcy in material things (silver & gold I have not…) Peter demonstrated his amazing adequacy in the spiritual realm 1 Pt 1:4 – partakers of the divine nature
We impart Joy! (v8) The man was not only changed; not only healed; but joy flooded his soul. Someone cared. God loved him. “If 1/10 of what you believe is true, you ought to be 10x as excited as you are.” Sir Walter Moberly, “The Crisis in the University”
We impart Wonder (v9-10) Acts 3:9-10”…they were filled w/wonder & amazement at what had happened to him.” People were convinced God was at work; this miracle had been done in name of Jesus; they were prepared to listen to the explanation.( Peter’s 2 nd sermon)
We impart a witness The lame man lived his life out of the main stream of religious activity. So do most other people. God works; we explain what God did; God works again on a new heart.
The challenge Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? Are you the lame man, settling for “survivor” mode? Are you satisfied with just getting by, especially spiritually? Are you maintaining status quo?
Be blessed! And they were ALL filled with the Holy Spirit…