Memory Verse “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” - John 3:16 What does this verse tell us? – Spells out the Gospel message for us – Gives a different picture of God than the Old Testament – love rather than justice For the whole context, read John 3:1-21
Today’s Lesson: Jacob Recap Jacob’s story from Genesis 25:19- 35:29 Share thoughts on this week’s homework Apply Jacob’s story to our lives Dig into one theme: surrendering
The Story Finds its Place in Me Are there any broken relationships in your life that need mending? Do you need to ask anyone for forgiveness for wrongs you have committed against them?
The Story Finds its Place in Me Jacob didn’t just wish for a restored relationship with his family, he acted. What practical things might you do to repair or maintain relationships in your life?
The Story Finds its Place in Me Jacob boldly asked the Night Visitor for a blessing after their night-long wrestling match. Are you bold in your requests of God? Do you recognize and act on the truth that God does indeed want to bless you?
The Story Finds its Place in Me In this life there will certainly be struggles, things we would love for God to just take away. What would your life look like if you surrendered to God’s will, even the difficult situations in your life, and chose to be thankful for what God is doing?
One of Jacob’s Themes: Surrendering Think of a time when you encountered God in an unusual and unexpected way. Share with the group. Compare Jacob’s story with that of his grandfather Abraham. How did they both try to fulfill God’s will in their lives? What did they both eventually learn?
Wrap Up How can we use Jacob’s story to better know, love, obey, serve, and worship God?
Homework Read Joseph’s story in Genesis Study his story using your Bible reference materials Complete the homework handout Check out the Sunday school blog at