La Preparación y Cultura Students will investigate through website and Guest Speaker “El Camino de Santiago” They will print some pictures of important landmarks to make posters for the launching of the campaign “El Camino”- a trail to your heart. They will make a version of “I’m Happy” video with “El Camino” – (Tech integration) (Link: TheyThey will bring typical Spanish food.
Dia 7 de Noviembre- Evening Students and Parents will walk “El Camino” built by students and chosen by students, teachers, parents. The participants will bring cans for the Thanksgiving Drive.
El Camino Students will built a “Camino” of about 6 miles. The “Camino” should be safe and go through interesting places where one can rest, take pictures, etc. The destination should be a place where we could have a small celebration. It can be a one- way Camino or you can choose the same destination as the Initial and Final Destination. Some suggestions: Long Center Rec Center to Phillip Parkway/ Church of Ascension (initial and final destination)/ School to Eagle Lake Park ( a route inside the park will be built)
Learning Goals Students will be able to describe common injuries and diseases in Spanish. (describing also body parts) Students will be able to list items to carry on their backpack. Students will be able to build and describe locations in a map, relating what to do, to see in each one of them Students will use the commands to give advice on how to prepare for this trail and what to do in case you feel sick. Students will be able to apply comparisons in order to make a decision on which route to take. Students will create a bilingual guide consisting of: preparation, what to carry, what to do, what if I feel sick.
Fase 1- La Decisión – Oct. 2,3, 6 Students will form groups of 3/4 They will choose 3/4 different routes and compare them using Google Form produced by teacher. They will write a reasoning for their choice (en español/inglés) They will produce a bilingual map with different locations where we will stop to rest, take pictures, buy something, etc. (en español/en inglés) Their routes will be sent by to teachers and parents who will vote through Google form.
Fase 2- Problemas de Salud 9,10,13 de Octubre Students will investigate about health problems that can happen during long walks. They will investigate on proper prevention tips and what to carry with you for that reason. (Mrs. Reynolds) They will produce a bilingual/pictorial guide with a.What to carry on your bag? b.Problemas de Salud comunes en caminatas (typical health problems during hiking) c. Advices – what to do to prevent feeling sick/pain, what to do if you feel sick etc.
Fase 3 – Qué hacer, Adónde ir – Octubre 16,17,20 Students will finish up their maps based on route chosen as a whole class. We will decide on Schedule, where to stop, what to do, a final map will be produced. Each group will be responsible for one section of the map. The map will show main locations, each location will have a picture with the students in it, caption describing what we will be doing there.
Fase 4 – Integración/Invitación Other subject teachers can take advantage of this bilingual guide and map to use for their content. 1. Tech teacher will help them producing the final map and creating a digital invitation. ( a video would be great) 2. Math teacher – Sra. Hiers will incorporate some mathematical calculations. ( we can include on the final guide) 3. Mrs. Reynolds will talk about health. Open to any other teacher. Let me know how you can integrate your topic/content here.