Work by : Esther Gómez, María Herrero, Margarita Zárate and María Ramos
Monastery and churche of San Juan de la Peña Art of the monastery of San Juan de la Peña An introducction The Santiagos cathedral exterior The Santiagos cathedral interior The tomb of Santiago The most important monuments
Construction os Santiago´s Cathedral Maps and photographs Interior of Santiago´s Cathedral “Botafumeiro” and santiago´s tomb.
The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela is a Catholic house of worship located in its namesake city in the center of the province of La Coruna in Galicia (Spain). Welcomes that, according to tradition, is the tomb of St. James, which made the temple a major pilgrimage destinations in Europe during the Middle Ages through the so-called Camino de Santiago, a route in which initiation was the wake of the Milky Way communicating the Iberian peninsula with the rest of the continent.
This was decisive for the medieval Spanish kingdoms participate in the cultural movements of the time, and currently remains an important pilgrimage destination. A privilege granted in 1122 by Pope Calixto II declared that would be "Holy Year" or "Jubilee Year" in Compostela every year in the July 25, the day of Santiago, coincide on Sunday, this privilege was confirmed by Pope Alexander III in his bull aeterni Regis in [1]
The monastery of san Juan de la Peña is one of the most older monasteries that is on the road of Santiago. Is near Jaca, that was the capital of Aragón. Originaly was a refuge for the christians that were persecuted by the muslims during the muslim period in the iberian peninsula.
Plan of the cathedral as it was in the 12th century The Western façade of the cathedral as seen from the Praza da Obradoiro The main facade.(baroque)
The barrel-vaulted nave and the groin- vaulted aisles consist of eleven bays, while the wide transept consists of six bays. The choir is covered by three bays and surrounded with an ambulatory and five radiating chapels. The vault of the apse is pierced by round windows, forming a clerestory. The choir displays a surprising exuberance in this Romanesque setting. An enormous baldachin, with a sumptuous decorated statue of Saint James from the 13th century, rises above the main altar. naveaislesbaystranseptchoirambulatoryclerestory “Botafumeiro” A dome above the crossing contains the pulley mechanism to swing the "Botafumeiro", which is a famous thurible found in this church.Botafumeirothurible
Perhaps the chief beauty of the cathedral, however, is the 12th century Portico da Gloria, behind the western facade. The pilgrims are allowed to kiss the saint's mantle via a narrow passage behind the altar. Santiago
Santiago was beheaded About 813 in Galicia
Santiago's headless body was loaded into a boat from Judea and taken to Finisterre (Galicia). The place where he was buried was called Campus Stellae It is known that in the sixteenth century the remains were lost, but were again found in The remains were found in a stone urn. Scientists at the time determined the remains were very old, but did not mention the time, and three different men. To the authorities of the time there was no doubt that these were the remains of the Apostle
The tomb of Santiago is One of the reasons of the Pilgrimage to santiago´s Cathedral. The most Important reason.
Castillo de San CarlosIglesia Nosa Señora das AreasCapilla del BuensucesoMonumento al Emigrante
Wikipedia y google Trabajo hecho por: Esther gómez, Margarita Zárate, Maria Herrero y María Ramos. ¡¡FIN!! ¡¡The end!!
The End