El Camino College Campus Portable Radio Procedures
Overview We will discuss some of the types of communications mediums used to coordinate the daily operations of the Campus. We will discuss how the Radio Systems work at El Camino College. Discuss proper / courteous radio operation in a shared environment. What should we do if an Emergency happens?
Types of Communications Land-line Telephones Voice over IP Telephones (VOIP) UHF Two Way Radios Digital Communicators (Two-Way) Cellular Telephones One-way Pagers Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)
Types of Communications Land-line Telephones Voice over IP Telephones (VOIP) UHF Two Way Radios Digital Communicators (Two-Way) Cellular Telephones One-way Pagers Personal Digital Assistants
Question: Which type of communications is the most reliable in an emergency and in everyday use ? UHF Portable Two-way Radio Portable Battery operated Stand-Alone in direct two-way mode Does NOT depend on a service provider
El Camino College UHF Radio Channel Chart Channel Number Channel LabelDescription Primary UserType 1ECC# 1EmergencyPolice and AllRepeater 2ECC# 1 - DirectEmergencyPolice and AllDirect 3ECC # 2Team UseAllDirect 4ECC # 3Team UseAllDirect 5ECC # 4Team UseAllDirect 6FPS # 1DispatchFacilitiesRepeater 7FPS # 1DispatchFacilitiesDirect 8FPS # 2 - WorkTeam UseFacilitiesDirect 9FPS # 3 - WorkTeam UseFacilitiesDirect 10Tech #1DispatchITS - Tech SvsRepeater 11Tech #1 - DirectDispatchITS - Tech SvsDirect 12Tech #2 - WorkTeam UseITS - Tech SvsDirect 13Tech #3 - WorkTeam UseITS - Tech SvsDirect 14H. S. & A #1PE & SportsH.S.& A DivisionRepeater 15Arts # 2Theater CrewFine ArtsDirect 16Arts # 3Theater CrewFine ArtsDirect
UHF Radio Repeater Locations: MCS Communications Art B El Camino College Campus Map
How a Radio Repeater System Works… 25 – 100 Watts ( 15 Miles Range ) Watts ( Mile Range ) ArtB Building ListeningTransmitting
How a Radio Repeater System Works… 25 – 100 Watts ( 15 Miles Range ) Watts ( Mile Range ) ArtB Building ListeningTransmitting
How a Direct Radio System Works… Watts ( Mile Range ) ListeningTransmitting
How a Direct Radio System Works… Watts ( Mile Range ) ListeningTransmitting
What is the difference between a repeater and direct channels ? Repeater – low powered signals from portable radios are amplified and retransmitted to a much larger area from a high powered base repeater station. Repeater channels only work when the portable units signal can reach the repeater radio to operate. 250 Square Miles Direct – low powered portables can talk from one portable unit to another portable unit directly without the use of a base repeater. Direct radio channels allow portable units to operate anywhere a repeater in not available. ( Distance is limited ) 6 Square Miles
HT Channel HT Channel HT / 128 Channel P110 2 Channel MT Channel EX Channel ECC Two Way Radios
What is Private Line ? Allows groups of radio users to share radio frequencies without listening to conversations or interference from other users of the same frequency. Gives the user the perception that no one else is using this frequency. Makes it easier to tell when someone is trying to reach you or someone in your workgroup. Make communications more clear and concise. Masks the communications of other users of this frequency. Private Line does NOT scramble the signal. Others monitoring this channel can hear what you say.
What does Digital Identification mean ? The Identification Number allows you to be paged by the Dispatcher when you’re needed. Every time that you transmit on the radio the Identification Number is sent to identify who you are as a user to the Dispatcher. The Digital Identification is unique to your radio within our system.
What are our responsibilities as a users of these radios ? We license these frequencies from the Government. We must be responsible and courteous to all other users of these frequencies, all the time. These radio frequencies are monitored and reported to the FCC if there is any behavior considered offensive, improper or disruptive. If we abuse these rules we can be fined and/or disallowed from using these frequencies. Professional behavior on these radios is a must at all time. We must abide by these rules from the FCC.
Acceptable talk on these radios… Business activities related to ECC. Checking-in with the Dispatcher or Supervisor. Informational Dispatches. Coordination of your daily work. Coordination during Emergencies.
UNacceptable talk on these radios… Idle chit-chat… Jokes… Misinformation… Gossip… Anything Disruptive…
How do I identify myself on the Radio ? Use your SHOP name and your REAL First name. Example This is Electrical Shop – Mike … Don’t use `CB` handles or alias names… Example: This is sparky… When calling the Police Dispatcher use your Department and whole name when identifying yourself. Example: Campus Police this is Facilities – Tom Smith Never call or disrupt other Businesses that use these frequencies… Remember we share these channels…
Pop Quiz… What channel is used for Emergencies? How do I identify myself on the radio ? What’s happening when I get interference when I use the Repeater Channels? How do I act when I talk on the radio?
The End … of the Show
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