Science Matters Your Genes: Choice or Chance? Ethics and Theology James J. Walter, PhD Austin & Ann O’Malley Professor of Bioethics The Bioethics Institute Loyola Marymount University
I. INTRODUCTION Types of Human Gene Transfer (HGT)
I. INTRODUCTION Types of Human Gene Transfer (HGT) 1. Therapeutic Types 1. Therapeutic Types
I. INTRODUCTION Types of Human Gene Transfer (HGT) 1. Therapeutic Types 1. Therapeutic Types a. Somatic Cell Therapy: Alters the Patient Only a. Somatic Cell Therapy: Alters the Patient Only
I. INTRODUCTION Types of Human Gene Transfer (HGT) 1. Therapeutic Types 1. Therapeutic Types a. Somatic Cell Therapy: Alters the Patient Only a. Somatic Cell Therapy: Alters the Patient Only b. Germ ‑ line Therapy: Alters the Patient's Children b. Germ ‑ line Therapy: Alters the Patient's Children
I. INTRODUCTION Types of Human Gene Transfer (HGT) 2. Enhancement (non ‑ therapeutic) Types
I. INTRODUCTION Types of Human Gene Transfer (HGT) 2. Enhancement (non ‑ therapeutic) Types 2. Enhancement (non ‑ therapeutic) Types a. Somatic Cell Engineering: Alters the Patient Only a. Somatic Cell Engineering: Alters the Patient Only
I. INTRODUCTION Types of Human Gene Transfer (HGT) 2. Enhancement (non ‑ therapeutic) Types 2. Enhancement (non ‑ therapeutic) Types a. Somatic Cell Engineering: Alters the Patient Only a. Somatic Cell Engineering: Alters the Patient Only b. Germ ‑ line Engineering: Alters the Patient's Children b. Germ ‑ line Engineering: Alters the Patient's Children
Which of these 4 Types of Human Gene Transfer Should We Support Morally? 1. Therapeutic Types a. Somatic Cell Therapy: Alters the Patient Only a. Somatic Cell Therapy: Alters the Patient Only b. Germ ‑ line Therapy: Alters the Patient's Children b. Germ ‑ line Therapy: Alters the Patient's Children 2. Enhancement (non ‑ therapeutic) Types a. Somatic Cell Engineering: Alters the Patient Only a. Somatic Cell Engineering: Alters the Patient Only b. Germ ‑ line Engineering: Alters the Patient's Children b. Germ ‑ line Engineering: Alters the Patient's Children
Introduction 1. The Role of Religious Reflection
Introduction 2. Religious Themes Shared by all Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity & Islam
Introduction 1. The Role of Religious Reflection 2. Religious Themes Shared by all Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity & Islam Creation Creation
Introduction 1. The Role of Religious Reflection 2. Religious Themes Shared by all Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity & Islam Creation Creation Humans Created in the Image of the Divine Humans Created in the Image of the Divine
Creation Creation 1. Views of Creation
Creation a. Fixed and Static Position: Creation Complete
Creation 1. Views of Creation a. Fixed and Static Position: Creation Complete b. Process ‑ Historical Position: Creation Incomplete
Humans as Created in the Image of the Divine Humans as Created in the Image of the Divine 2. Views of the Image of the Divine
Humans as Created in the Image of the Divine Humans as Created in the Image of the Divine 2. Views of the Image of the Divine a. Steward: Respect God's Laws in Creation a. Steward: Respect God's Laws in Creation
Humans as Created in the Image of the Divine Humans as Created in the Image of the Divine 2. Views of the Image of the Divine a. Steward: Respect God's Laws in Creation a. Steward: Respect God's Laws in Creation b. Created Co ‑ creator: Responsible for History b. Created Co ‑ creator: Responsible for History