Sacraments of Vocation: Matrimony & Holy Orders
Discernment of Vocations What can a person be called to? - Religious, priest, married, single How do we know? - Prayer! This is a serious life decision which should take time and experience God calls you to a specific vocation that leads you to be most happy Must have an element of trust; God is not going to call you to something you hate
Matthew Kelly Our vocation is our “billboard” How are we living out our current vocation? Does it inspire people or scare people? We have to love differently, authentically It’s about a journey, an adventure! It’s about happiness. It’s about joy. God, what do you think I should do?
Journal: “God, what do you think I should do with my life?” List a minimum of 5 things that make you “you”. Things that bring joy to your life and are the authentic you. Ask God, “What do you think I should do today…?”
Journal: “God, what do you think I should do with my life?” Talk with at least 1 other person in order to get 5 things that they see that make you “you”. Looking for the authentic you. Ask God, “What do you think I should do today…?”
Journal: “God, what do you think I should do with my life?” Homework Talking with at least 1 person at home, list a minimum of 5 things that they see as the authentic you. Ask God, “What do you think I should do today…?”
Matrimony Definition: sacrament which unites a Christian man and Christian woman in marriage Matter: mutual and free consent of a man and a woman Form: approved formula of vows Minister: man and woman being joined in Matrimony Priest or deacon’s role: official Church witness The two most important points are: 1. union of spouses 2. procreation and education of children
CCC1660: “The marriage covenant, by which a man and a woman form with each other an intimate communion of life and love, has been founded and endowed with its own special laws by the Creator. By its very nature it is ordered to the good of the couple, as well as to the generation and education of children. Christ the Lord raised marriage between the baptized to the dignity of a sacrament.”
Covenant = an exchanging of persons, a promise. In marriage the covenant is made between man, woman, and God Raise children to help them attain heaven
Marriage is built on self-sacrifice, just as Christ and the Church’s unity and relationship is built Christ is the bridegroom and the Church is the bride Genesis 2:18- “God saw it was not good for man to be alone” Grace enables them to perfect and sanctify their love Sin affects both partners in marriage Spouses lead each other to heaven
Celebration of Matrimony CCC ¶1621 Should receive the sacrament of reconciliation prior to marriage Celebration of matrimony normally takes place at Mass Priest receives the couple in the name of the Church and gives a blessing. CONSENT makes the marriage; it forms a valid bond
Who receives sacrament Baptized man and woman Not under constraint; not forced Not impeded by any natural or ecclesiastical law
Effects of Marriage Permanent bond between spouses Grace to keep marital promises (fidelity) Perfects love, welcome children, attain holiness Forgive each other, bear each other’s burdens Graces is given until one spouse dies Goal = total gift of self to other person, graces make it possible
Conjugal love CCC ¶1643 “Married love” Love practiced within marriage between husband and the wife A good act and strengthens the marriage Involves the total person Indissolubility, faithfulness, and fertility elevated to distinctly Christian virtues.
Domestic Church Domestic church = your family; where you are first taught values, rules, to know God, education Learn through the love you see in your families Parents aim at caring for their children Self-sacrificing love Teaches children how to approach life- good times and difficult times
Sins against Marriage Contraception- deliberate interference with marital intercourse to prevent conception Adultery- acts of marriage between married person and party other than spouse Divorce- action that claims to break valid marital bond Polygamy- individual married to multiple spouses or someone else already married Trial marriage- man and woman living together in relationship that involves sexual intimacy outside of marriage in attempt to evaluate what marriage would be like (Cohabitation) Concubinage- man or woman involved in sexual intimacy in exchange for payment
Holy Orders Definition: sacrament administered by a bishop through which men receive the power and grace to perform their sacred duties as ordained ministers Matter: laying on of hands for all three degrees; anointing with Chrism (hands of priest, head of bishop) Form: silent invocation of Holy Spirit and separate prayer of consecration for each order Minister: bishop CCC ¶1554, 1572
Hierarchy (Arch) Bishops Priest Deacon Highest level of Holy Orders Main power- ordain deacons, priests, bishops Can administer all sacraments* Apostle’s successors Oversee (arch) diocese Priest Assist and obey bishop Administer all sacraments* except Holy Orders Bishop’s helper Oversee Parish Deacon preach and teach the gospel Perform acts of service, help at baptisms, marriages, funerals, distribute communion Priest’s helper Assists a parish
Renounces possibility of wife and children Obedience to the bishop Receive graces in order to serve others Has duty to administer the sacraments Leaves an indelible mark on the soul
Common priesthood= laity are called to bring others to the Church by prayer and example in their work, friendships, and family Ministerial priesthood = give radical gift of self; completely dedicate to directly building up the Church, act in persona Christi and celebrate Christ in the sacrifice of the Mass
Minister of Holy Orders Must be an ordained bishop Every bishop can trace succession back to the apostles Must get permission by pope to ordain bishops, or else he is excommunicated Bishop takes the place of Christ as the visible teacher, shepherd, priest, acts as Christ’s representative
Priests, co-workers with bishops Receive indelible mark on the soul which enable him to act in person of Christ Service to preach the gospel and shepherd faithful, and give the sacraments Exercises authority in union with the bishop Highest office of priest is celebration of mass
Deacon’s role Assist bishop and priest in celebration of Eucharist, distribute Communion, blessing of marriages, proclaiming gospel, presiding over funerals, baptizing and various forms of service and charity Transitional deacons Permanent deacons
Celebration of Holy Orders Preferably occurs during a Sunday mass at a cathedral. Must be ordained by a bishop Laying on of hands- of the head Specific blessing of man asking God for gifts of the Holy Spirit Instruction by bishop Examination of candidate Anointing with chrism Given book of Gospels, chalice and paten
Requirements to receive Holy Orders Baptized male Interior and exterior call Necessary knowledge of Holy Orders Proper age, 24 yrs Vow of celibacy Study theology and other training
Graces of Holy Orders Reception of office of bishop, priest, deacon Particular grace to exercise ministry Strong in life