There are many different species of Butterflies and Moths that make up the very large insect order of “LEPIDOPTERA”


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Presentation transcript:

There are many different species of Butterflies and Moths that make up the very large insect order of “LEPIDOPTERA”

Life Cycle Egg:- A female butterfly or Moth lays their egg where they collect their food. Caterpillar:- These things hatch from an egg and turn into a hairy wormish thing call a caterpillar. Pupa:- When a caterpillar grows it makes itself a cocoon to grow into a Moth or Butterfly. Adult:- Then it turns into a beautiful, colourful Butterfly or Moth.

Moths habitats are somewhere that no one else can get into, and that is why they prefer to have their habitats somewhere wooded and not noticeable and they like their habitats in wooded areas so that they can camouflage themselves. You can also find moths and butterflies where not a lot of humans live.

Butterflies Habitats are in plenty of different places such as Wetlands including ponds and rivers, Meadows where they can collect nectar, Rainforests where they can hide, but most of these places are being destroyed by natural disasters, weeds and uncontrollable plants, chemicals in the air, roadwork's and humans.

Global Presence Butterflies can be found in most places except Antarctica.. Moths are usually found in wooded areas and butterflies in sunny areas. Most butterfly species are found in Peru.

Adaptive Behaviors of Moths A Moth starts as a caterpillar and then makes a cocoon and it will stick its cocoon to a tree. Then the caterpillar will come out of its cocoon and will be a moth. The most common colours of a moth will be brown and a little bit white. It is good that the most common colours of a moth will be brown and white because they can camouflage themselves in their habitats

Defensive Behaviors of Moths A moth is like a butterfly so it can be harmed easily but to defend itself it will camouflage and flutter its wings rapidly in an unconditionally manor. The reason why it will do this is because if any of the powder on its wings come off it will not be able to fly.

The way that Butterflies adapt to their habitat is they start as a caterpillar and makes its cocoon and sticks it to a tree or on the ground and you will find that they are all brown and they have twigs and bark on them that is also brown, the reason why they are brown is so that they can camouflage themselves from their pray. When the caterpillar has come out of its cocoon it will turn into a Butterfly. Butterflies have heaps of different colours on their wings, they have these colours so that the can camouflage themselves in to their habitats so they can protect themselves.

Butterflies are very fragile and they can be harmed easily. They depend on a lot of different strategies to protect themselves. Some of their predators are: Birds, Spiders, Reptiles, Insects (like Wasps, Flies, and Mites). Most species of butterflies protect themselves by camouflaging themselves so that the predator cant see it. Some species can blend in so well that you wouldn’t know they were there.

Where they exist in the food chain Female Butterflies feed on nectar of flowers. Male Butterflies feed on deceased animals.

There are approximately 143 different Butterfly species in Victoria. There are some species that live in only a few different districts, whilst there are other species that live in heaps of different districts. You will find that they are mostly found somewhere with heaps of flowers so that they can collect pollen.

. The specie of moth that is the most common to everyone is the common Moth. The common moth is a specie of moth that everyone has seen. The common moths is Brown and with White stripes on its wings.

Harmful? Beneficial? Beneficial.they are good looking and colourful..their cocoons are used as silk in Asian countries. Harmful.some butterflies destroy crops..caterpillars feed on stored grains.

☺ !Amazing! ☺ Did you know that there is a specie of moth that comes from Asia and it was involved in a big murder case( the Ed Gien case) whom was known to put the moth down the victims throat which led to his capture and conviction. The moths name is Acherontia atropos aka the death’s head moth. its preferable not to look up the pictures of the crime scene it is horrific and not suitable for anyone to look at.( I have not put this website in my bibliography because its horrific and in my opinion it shouldn’t be viewed by anyone ). I just happened to come across this article whilst I was looking up information for my project.



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