Thomas Jefferson performed his duties with only 2 assistants: a messenger & a secretary These assistants were paid out of Jefferson’s pocket 1857—First paid staff member during Buchanan’s administration -- $2,500 Jefferson’s executive branch had 2,100 people – today 2.7 million people
THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT All people in the executive branch work to support the President EOP is the “right arm” of the President Complex organization of separate agencies staffed by the President’s closest advisors EOP created by Congress in 1939
THE WHITE HOUSE OFFICE Nerve center of the EOP Comprised of the President’s key personal and political staff They occupy the east and west wings of the White House Oval Office and Cabinet Room are located in the West Wing (p. 420) The WH Chief of Staff directs all operations of the WH Office
THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL Assists with foreign policy decisions NSC directs agencies such as the CIA President serves as the chairperson
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 2 nd largest and most influential unit in the Executive Office The director of OMB is appointed by the President Helps the President create an annual budget to be approved by Congress FEDERAL BUDGET—a detailed estimate of receipts and expenditures during the fiscal year
FISCAL YEAR—12-month period used by the government for record-keeping October 1 – September 30 Creation of the budget is a lengthy process
OTHER EOP AGENCIES OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY (1989) Existence dramatizes the nation’s concern about illegal drugs Director called the nation’s “drug czar” Mostly an advisory panel Two major responsibilities: 1) prepare an annual drug control strategy
2) coordinate the ongoing efforts of more than 50 agencies that participate in the continuing war on illegal drugs COUNCIL OF ECONOMIC ADVISORS Three of the nation’s top economists Helps the President prepare economic reports and advises on policy
OTHER UNITS IN THE EOP Office of Policy Development deals with Domestic affairs Council on Environmental Quality Office of the Vice President Office of the US Trade Representative Office of Science and Technology THE END