P AY FOR T RAFFIC OR G ET IT F REE ? (T HE D IFFERENCE B ETWEEN SEM AND SEO) Edison R. Guzman aeAdvertising.com (845) SCORE Volunteer
How to get search engines to send all the traffic you need for your business 7 Parts of Your Web Site that Tell Search Engines how to Rank You The only guaranteed way to rank on page one of Search Engines...in less than a day. What to do if no one currently finds your business online How Social Media plays a role in your search engine rankings 2 W HAT Y OU W ILL L EARN T ODAY
SEO – Search Engine Optimization SEM – Search Engine Marketing PPC – Pay Per Click SERPs – Search Engine Results Page(s) 3 F IRST O FF, A F EW D EFINITIONS …
What type of online presence are you going to promote? (eCommerce, lead generation, education, resources, review site, etc.) Who’s your target market? Where’s your target market? Which strategy is best? (One, a combination, or all) What is your budget for all campaigns? Who will implement strategy for you (If not you) 4 B EFORE S TARTING A NY C AMPAIGN, Y OU M UST K NOW THE E ND R ESULT
Appropriate Domain name(s) Quality Hosting account Web site (HTML or CMS) Blog Automatic Follow Up Marketing System Merchant account (if selling product or service) Image editor Web cam or video camera Video editor 5 T OOLS N EEDED TO G ET THE M OST O UT OF Y OUR T IME AND I NVESTMENT
6 S TRATEGY FOR Y OUR W EB P RESENCE Build & Optimize Web Site Drive Traffic/ Refine Results Make Sale, or Capture Name & Follow Up (Build KLT) Create Customer or Increase Sales SEO SEM PPC SERPs
7 SEO Optimized Web Site PPCPress Releases Authority Back-Link Building Social MediaForums Affiliates/ JVs YouTube SEM Strategy
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization There are two parts to SEO – On Page and Off Page For On-Page SEO, use the right keywords or phrases throughout your web site Use Google search Keyword Planner tool to ensure the right key phrases are being used (Adwords) Don’t use generic terms such as “shoes” Have the right key phrases on your page’s title tag Use attention grabbing descriptions in description tag 8 A TTRACTING C USTOMERS W ITH SEO
Use geographic specific keywords or phrases within the keyword tag Use H1 tags in body copy of web site Bold, and italicize key phrases throughout pages Use similar descriptive words throughout body copy (LSI- Latent Semantic Indexing) Use key word density average of 3% Insert key words within the Alt tags of your graphics Use Key Words to name your web site’s subdirectories Use proper key word anchor text 9 O N -P AGE SEO
Get people to “Like” your facebook page Get people to “+” your page at Google + Link your site from relevant web sites and directories. Authority sites are best. (.edu,.gov) Submit articles to article directories such as ezinearticles.com Submit a press release using such sites as PRweb.com, this will give you instant back links Give testimonials to relevant web sites and link from them 12 A TTRACTING C USTOMERS W ITH SEO (O FF P AGE )
Post blog comments on proper blogs Comment within niche-related forums Post classified ads on targeted sites Post upcoming events on social sites Position your site as an invaluable resource for your niche market Link from social sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter Facebook, Google+, etc. Create videos and distribute on YouTube and others 13 A TTRACTING C USTOMERS W ITH SEO (O FF P AGE )
Create a PPC campaign You can target specific markets easily and accurately It’s the fastest way to place on first page of search engines You can start a campaign with a small budget You only pay when someone clicks or sees your ad (CPC/CPM) You can get instant feedback You can get results 24/7 or specific times of day You can test different ads simultaneously You control your budget 14 G UARANTEED F IRST P AGE P OSITION ON G OOGLE I N L ESS T HAN 24 HOURS
Google Adwords (google.com/adwords) Bing Ads (advertise.bingads.microsoft.com) Facebook.com/advertising Hundreds of other companies (Search the term “PPC search engines” and you’ll find more.) 15 W HO O FFERS PPC P ROGRAMS
Domain name registration - aeDomain.com, Godaddy.com, Register.com Hosting account - GVOToolKit.com, Godaddy.com, 1and1.com Web site CMS (Content Management System) - Wordpress.org, Joomla.org, phpNuke.org marketing system - GvoToolKit.com, aWeber.com, ConstantContact.com, MailChimp.com, GetResponse.com Merchant account - Your local bank, PayPal.com, AcceptCreditCardsNow.biz FTP software (filezilla-project.org) HTML editor or web design software - Kompozer, CoffeeCup or Dreamweaver Photo editing software - Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, GIMP, PicMonkey.com Audio recording and editing software - Audacity – audacity.sourceforge.net, AVSMedia.com Screen Capturing Software -Techsmith.com – Camtasia PPC Programs - Google Adwords (google.com/adwords), Bing Ads (advertise.bingads.microsoft.com), Facebook.com/advertising 16 R ESOURCES