ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board FQS Accreditation for forensic testing agencies Lori Gillespie RMC ~ 18 July 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board FQS Accreditation for forensic testing agencies Lori Gillespie RMC ~ 18 July 2012

 According to the KPI’s that were turned in (due 1 July 2012)  Tracking/Following up on expired and suspended certs  Total of 55 audits not completed by 1 July  Certified by 12 CB’s.  All were suspended  ANAB had a total of 73 ANAB-accredited certificates that had expired on either 30 June or 1 July. The 73 were within 12 CB’s.  10 CB’s withdrew the certs due to varying reasons  6 CB’s changing the status due to varying reasons  As of 16 July down to 59 certificates showing expired on 30 June or 1 July or suspended with expiration 30 June or 1 July.  The true expirations, asking CB’s to change status to withdrawn

 ANAB required Appendix B per SR001 in early June.  ANAB assessed CB’s to their 91XX:2009 transition plans, progress, etc. throughout  Will continue to do so  ANAB may require Appendix B again in August.  CB’s Shall submit the required Appendix C KPIs to the AB per the schedule below:  updated KPIs the 1 st of each month thereafter; until such time as their client 9100/ :2009 transition activity is complete.

 ANAB transitioned by RMC on 22 May 2012  ANAB’s plan was to transition by early 2 nd Quarter  All documentation since implemented.  Key changes that will be a challenge  NCR closures including verification  NCR escalation to suspension (including minor NCRs)  Special audits within given timeframe  # of Witnessed Audits and Office Assessment timing

7  CBs transitioning  1 Transitioned  4 CB applicants  1 Ready for the transition decision  14 CBs downloaded applications  15 CBs have not

8 Projected CB Application Dates 7 in April* 4 in May* 2 in June 5 in July 4 in August 5 in September 4 in October 1 in November 1 in January * *Concerning – just went out 5 Apps Received

ANAB’s Transition Process  Requesting processes/documentation for changes to 9104/1 and SR002 requirements  Not requiring CB to have all clients’ certification schemes identified  Will review the plan for this activity via the risk mitigation plan  CB’s transitioned in 2012:  have to implement “CB mgmt system” requirements upon accreditation to 9104/1,  can implement 9104/1 requirements with clients case by case.  Fully implement 9104/1 Jan 2013

 Your CB CAN’T assign a client a certification structure within 9104/1 (e.g. campus, several sites, complex) until your CB is transitioned to 9104/1 and you are using the 9104/1 requirements with the given client.  The only options you should be selecting right now are single or multisite.  A communication came out the end of January by SAE in regards to this.

Accredited CBs StandardAccredited CBsApplicant CBs AS AS AS Other Accreditation Status’ StandardSuspensionsWithdrawals AS (1 voluntary) Lifted 2 Voluntary AS (1 voluntary) Lifted 1 Voluntary AS (1 voluntary) Lifted 1 Voluntary

IDStatReasonEnteredClosedSubject 7338OPENFeedback About A CB CB Nonconformance Corrective Action Elevation 7290CLOSE Questions About A CB Accreditation Valid certificate removed from OASIS database 7149OPENFeedback About A CB CB Nonconformance Corrective Action Elevation 6958CLOSEFeedback About A CB Courtesy Notification of issued nonconformance to NQA 6922OPENOther Transition Issues 6686CLOSEFeedback About A CB Unaccredited Certificate

 401 (Nov 2011) – A CB certified two organizations to AQMS standards in India and according to the complaint they may not have used the accurate employee count to come to the accurate audit day numbers. Found valid; major NCR issued (late Dec 2011)  Closed with action Complaint in italics was provided previously and has no changes. Complaint in bold is new or was updated since the last meeting.

 410 (Mar 2012) – A CB may not be able to schedule an AS audit due to resources. Onsite office assessment completed.  Closed, with action Complaint in italics was provided previously and has no changes. Complaint in bold is new or was updated since the last meeting.

 412 (Mar 2012) – A CB withdrew a certificate before a transfer was completed by another CB. Complainant did not want identified, we requested to waive this request, as soon as we contact CB they will know “who”.  Open, under investigation Complaint in italics was provided previously and has no changes. Complaint in bold is new or was updated since the last meeting.

 422 (June 2012) – A CB is delayed on issuing the transition certificate to a client.  Closed with action Complaint in italics was provided previously and has no changes. Complaint in bold is new or was updated since the last meeting.

 426 (July 2012) – In regards to ethical issues by an auditor and potentially a CB with handling NCR closures.  Open, investigator assigned  Complaint is addressed to RABQSA, notified the complainant to contact RABQSA also. Complaint in italics was provided previously and has no changes. Complaint in bold is new or was updated since the last meeting.

 A124– Received April 2012– Appeal partially upheld  Appealed one minor NCRs during an AS9120 WA.  Sufficient depth (3 evidence items)  Found two of three evidence items valid, withdrew one. Appeal in italics was provided previously and has no changes. Appeal in bold is new or was updated since the last meeting.

 A128– Received May 2012– Appeal partially upheld,  Appealed the corrective action review by ANAB on a NCR issued during an AS9120 witnessed audit  Client took an unacceptable exclusion.  ANAB was requiring an NCR to be issued to the organization, CB disagreed  Panel required CB to provide evidence that the client took action, without requiring a formal NCR. Appeal in italics was provided previously and has no changes. Appeal in bold is new or was updated since the last meeting.

 A130– Received June 2012– Withdrawn, NCR withdrawn  Appealed an NCR issued during a witnessed audit in regards to information on a PEAR; however, ANAB issued the NCR against AS9100.  AS9100 not a valid accreditation requirement document, withdrew the NCR  ANAB and the CB taking the PEAR detail up with the SDR for Appeal in italics was provided previously and has no changes. Appeal in bold is new or was updated since the last meeting.

Office Assessments StatusAnnual / Re-accrdFollow-up Completed195 Confirmed142 Required337 Witnessed Audits StatusAnnual / Re-accrdOther Completed – Stage 1 Confirmed8 5 – – Stage 1 Unscheduled / Scheduling – Stage 1 Required3318+

 Office Assessments ~ 89 NCRs  15 NCR’s to aerospace requirements during 21 office assessments  3 majors  74 NCR’s to ISO or general requirements during 21 office assessments  12 majors  Witnessed Audits ~ 38 NCRs  12 NCR’s to aerospace requirements during 28 witnessed audits  11 majors  26 NCR’s to ISO or other requirements during 28 witnessed audits  12 majors

 Questions / Comments