Food and Nutrition Services Update Althea Albert-Santiago, SLPS Director Food and Nutrition Services Mike Butler, District Director Southwest Foodservice Excellence Megan Fraley, MS, RD, LD Associate Director of Nutrition Food and Nutrition Services Department
The purpose of this presentation is to provide an update on the Food and Nutrition Services Department and the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs Food and Nutrition Services Department USDA and Health and Wellness Compliance Health and Wellness Initiative Catering Events
Althea Albert-Santiago, SLPS Food and Nutrition Director Tenecia Williams, SLPS Accountability Specialist Erika Hollinshed, Southwest Accountability Specialist Assistant Southwest Food Service Excellence LLC Management Team Members: Michael Butler, Director of Dining Services Sherman Wiggins, Associate Director of Dining Services Carolyn Penn, Associate Director of Dining Services Karen Lee, Associate Director of Dining Services Alfredo Cartagena, Associate Director of Dining Services Megan Fraley, Associate Director of Nutrition Maxine Murphy, Nutrition Coordinator Dan Welsh, Senior District Chef Susan Smith, District Chef Gary Johnson, District Catering Chef John Robinson, District Chef Lawrence Netterville, Associate Director of Dining Services/IT Coordinator
Effective for the school year, the District will offer both free breakfast and free lunch to all St. Louis Public School students. The District will no longer be required to collect meal applications Section 104 (a) of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 Benefits of the Program Eliminates the annual cost of printing meal reduced applications Eliminates student-level meal charges and follow-up on unpaid meals Will assist in speeding up breakfast lines in elementary schools Service Times Student must go by the point of sale to confirm that they have received a reimbursable meal All students have a six-digit Personal Identification Numbers (PINs): Example Elementary Schools(K-8) will not use PINs for breakfast they will use them for lunch Middle and High schools will use PINs for breakfast and lunch
Breakfast Lines Elementary Schools(K-8 schools) -Elementary and K-8 students will press #9 on key pad only for breakfast to improve line speed - Mandate breakfast first before other activities - Address all line speed issues with site manager as soon as possible Late Buses - Late buses have an adverse affect on breakfast service times - Work with your cafeteria leads to address special service needs - Work with transportation on bus related concerns Service Times - All service periods are approved by the state - Service periods cannot be changed without written request to the state - Service times are requested by principals by location - Foodservice cannot alter service times for special events
Reimbursable meal – A meal that meets the guidelines set forth by the USDA Components – Grain, Meat/MA, Fruit, Vegetable, Milk Breakfast – 3 items must be taken. NEW : Must take fruit/veg/fruit juice Lunch - 3 components must be taken one must be a fruit and/or vegetable Vending machines, Schools Stores, & Fundraisers The interim final rule for competitive foods establishes new guidelines for all competitive foods sold on the school campus, during the school day, and outside of the reimbursable meal. o Includes: A la Carte, Snack bars, school stores, vending machines, and Fundraisers. Vending machines outside of the cafeteria in the secondary schools will be placed on timers and will not be operational during the breakfast and lunch periods Smart Snack guidelines include changes in calories, sodium, fat, and sugar for both food and beverages. Schools Stores St. Louis Board of Education Regulation: Business and Non-Instructional Operations Policy R Only allowed to sell non-food items during the school day. No food items will be sold during breakfast or lunch in competition with the National School Breakfast and Lunch Program.
Field trips/Fun days – must serve a reimbursable meal which includes – Deli sandwich, Pretzels, apple, carrot sticks, Milk (juice cannot be substituted) Prior notification of 5 school days in advance to the cafeteria lead Plans in advance if the students will come back to eat at school Follow food safety guidelines Afterschool programs – snacks must include two of the following milk, fruit, vegetable, grain, meat/meal alternative Need to follow protocol through Food and Nutrition Services Department Maintain the cafeteria and sitting area cleanliness Food Allergies –Student identified as having a disability and has special dietary needs, changes can be made to school breakfast/lunch with the proper written medical statement from a physician. Nurses will be required to fill out a Special Dietary Prescription Form and Submit to Nutrition Coordinator In School suspensions – Must still receive a reimbursable meal USDA states you cannot punish these students with food NOT ok to change the menu
Health and Wellness Policy District Policy and a mandate by United States Department of Agriculture The purpose of the Health and Wellness Policy is to provide the framework for schools and the district to promote good health and provide a safe and healthy learning and work environment School Health Advisory Councils (SHACs) : a working group composed of individuals selected from representative segments of the community and school to promote health and wellness. Nutrition Education Programs – Roving chef program will launch again this school year We will be expanding into the high schools and middle schools
Thank you for your time and attention. phone number (office): or Phone number (district cell): Phone number (office): Phone number (district cell):