Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s)
Great teachers and great school divisions get their core purpose right…they know why they exist… Knowing where you are going and why you are going there is critically important… MISSION & VISION
Motto confirmed- “Where Students Come First” Mission - Chinook’s Edge School Division will engage every student in meaningful learning by challenging, encouraging and believing in them. Vision - Chinook’s Edge School Division will be universally recognized as a collaborative learning community where learning is personalized for all students to achieve success as compassionate and innovative global citizens. MISSION & VISION STATEMENTS
Rick Stiggins would say that a student can hit any target that is clearly defined and stands still… Does it stand to reason that we need to be abundantly clear about what a Quality Learning Environment looks like so that our teachers and our instructional leaders know what we are striving for? KEY QUESTIONS FOR ALL OF US
Hour Glass Analogy We need to ensure that we are cognizant of the cumulative effect on teachers of competing learning demands the organization places on them Purpose~ Quality Learning Environment TEACHER MATTERS: TEACHERS MATTER
AVOIDING THE CHRISTMAS TREE Multiple initiatives Lots of “activity” Lots of shiny distractions Focus on the big stuff and get it right – identify clear, simple principles at the heart of our work! Elegant simplicity ~ identify core ideas of what is important What Matters Most?
SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT If we believe that school improvement and student success in their learning depends on the quality of instruction in classrooms, then we need a conversation about effective instructional practices. The catch is, how can we have in-depth conversations about effective instruction if we don’t share a common language? To develop a common language, we need to identify – with your help and guidance – an instructional model that defines and provides a common language of effective classroom practice. Westerberg, 2009
The teacher is our key focal point moving forward: Provide a common language about instruction Provide clarity around what we are aiming for Facilitate conversations around teaching and learning Bring our mission and vision to life Supports our work as instructional leaders PURPOSE OF THE QLE MODEL
Data collected from: Board/admin retreat (March 2011) Observations and conversations with schools related to AISI Moving and Improving conversations – Learning Services and Student Services (May 2011) Ongoing conversations with administrators and teachers Provincial documents: Inspiring Action, Action on Inclusion, Action on Curriculum COLT – (June 27; Aug 10, 2011) Learning Services Coordinators (June 29, 2011) Student Services (June 29, 2011) Teachers Matter (Sept 30, 2011) Learning Services Coordinators (June 29, 2011) Student Services (June 29, 2011; Sept. 2011) DESCRIBING A QUALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT – MAY 2011 ADCOS
Initial Thoughts: Relationships – developing a sense of belonging Strong curricular and pedagogical knowledge Focus on Literacy (includes numeracy) Learning is differentiated to meet students’ needs (content, process, product) QUALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT – MAY2011 ADCOS
Initial Thoughts: Quality assessment practices (know the learning target, quality feedback, self assessments, goal setting, grading/reporting based on outcomes) Engaged learning aligned with outcomes – (authentic tasks, tasks that promote deep thinking) Technology as a support rather than a driver QUALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT – JUNE 2011 ADCOS
August/September 2011 ADCOS September ADCOS – dig into the QLE model Teachers Matter Group AISI Leaders Sp. Ed Liaison’s School Staffs (Oct-Dec) NEXT STEPS
Establishing a collaborative community Feed-forward loops How do you know what you are learning is making a difference for kids in your classroom? How do you know your PLC is meeting everyone’s needs? Evidence of your learning Teacher shared drive/Wiki – open access/Website LEARNING COMMUNITIES