starter activity Read about the Rule of St Benedict on p.116. Imagine you are the abbot of a monastery and wishing to recruit new monks. Annotate a picture of a monk with the ideal characteristics. What evidence is there that monks were not always conforming to these rules? Monk wanted! Must follow the rules of St Benedict
What does this image show? What can we work out about the attitudes of the person who might have used it? Who did it belong to?
How corrupt were English monasteries in the 1530s? TBAT explain characteristics of medieval monasticism & whether it needed reform To examine how mons. were dissolved Learning objectives Key words: dissolution diocese / diocesan Valor Ecclesiasticus (1535) visitation
Your task Read p and under the heading ‘The condition of monasticism in England’ write down in one colour the strengths and in another colour the problems with this institution. Read p and under the heading ‘The condition of monasticism in England’ write down in one colour the strengths and in another colour the problems with this institution. What made monasticism an easy & obvious target for Henry VIII? What made monasticism an easy & obvious target for Henry VIII?
Your task Read p and complete a chart similar to the one below. Read p and complete a chart similar to the one below. What view do Horrible Histories take?
Your task Read p.120 and in your own words summarise the three main views of historians. Read p.120 and in your own words summarise the three main views of historians. Which view do you think is most accurate? Which view do you think is most accurate? Cistercian abbey of Rievaulx, Yorkshire
Views of historians Cromwell had a masterplan in place from the 1530s to dissolve all the monasteries. Cromwell was motivated by financial and religious motives Cromwell had a masterplan in place from the 1530s to dissolve all the monasteries. Cromwell was motivated by financial and religious motives Decision to dissolve was taken after the V E (1535) Decision to dissolve was taken after the V E (1535) Decision to dissolve was taken in later 1530s when Henry saw how easily smaller mons. Had been dissolved Decision to dissolve was taken in later 1530s when Henry saw how easily smaller mons. Had been dissolved
Your task Read p.122 and find out how the monasteries were dissolved. Take note on the following: Read p.122 and find out how the monasteries were dissolved. Take note on the following: Which sorts of monasteries were first dissolved? Which sorts of monasteries were first dissolved? What happened to abbots & monks? What happened to abbots & monks? What happened to the wealth of the monasteries? What happened to the wealth of the monasteries? Which of the 3 theories about the dissolution do you feel is most accurate now? Which of the 3 theories about the dissolution do you feel is most accurate now?
Process of dissolution Which sorts of monasteries were first dissolved? Which sorts of monasteries were first dissolved? 300 mons. worth £200 or less 300 mons. worth £200 or less 67 exemptions – associated with H8 or Crom. 67 exemptions – associated with H8 or Crom. What happened to abbots & monks? What happened to abbots & monks? Moved to other mons. Moved to other mons. Abbots granted a pension, monks a grant (20-30s0 Abbots granted a pension, monks a grant (20-30s0 What happened to the wealth of the monasteries? What happened to the wealth of the monasteries? Royal commissioners seized movable wealth – plate, leading from roofs, land rented Royal commissioners seized movable wealth – plate, leading from roofs, land rented
Any ideas what this is? Why might people in Tudor times have worshipped? Who might have been suspicious of this?
Your task Study sources G,H & I and complete the chart provided. Note any words that puzzle you at the bottom of the sheet. Study sources G,H & I and complete the chart provided. Note any words that puzzle you at the bottom of the sheet.
How corrupt were English monasteries in the 1530s? TBAT explain characteristics of medieval monasticism & whether it needed reform To examine how mons. were dissolved Learning objectives Key words: dissolution diocese / diocesan Valor Ecclesiasticus (1535) visitation