1 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Public Service of Colorado Ponnequin Wind Farm BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES PROGRAM Television Sets The Effects of Illuminance on TV Power and Luminance with the Use of Automatic Brightness Control Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy September 14, 2011 Department of Energy
2 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Power use dependence on luminance – Review How luminance varies with changing room lighting levels How power varies with changing room lighting levels Luminance versus power charts to further demonstrate varying current implementations of ABC Overview
3 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov 1.User modifies screen settings (e.g., home vs. retail or sport vs. cinema) 2.Average picture level (APL) of image being displayed changes (as we see when running the IEC test clip) 3.Televisions modifies its own luminance settings under Automatic Brightness Control in response to changes in room illuminance The consequence of increases in screen luminance is always the same, though – power use goes up. How much of TV power use is associated with the production of light? About 60-75% in the units we have measured so far. TVs Can Change Luminance Levels in Three Ways
4 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Screen Luminance at 0, 10, 30, 50, 100, 150 and 300 Lux - Small TVs
5 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Screen Luminance at 0, 10, 30, 50, 100, 150 and 300 Lux - Medium TVs
6 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Screen Luminance at 0, 10, 30, 50, 100, 150 and 300 Lux - Large TVs
7 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Power Consumption at 0, 10, 30, 50, 100, 150 and 300 Lux - Small TVs
8 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Power Consumption at 0, 10, 30, 50, 100, 150 and 300 Lux - Medium TVs
9 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Power Consumption at 0, 10, 30, 50, 100, 150 and 300 Lux - Large TVs
10 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Luminance/Power v. Illuminance Power Luminance Illuminance
11 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Luminance/Power v. Illuminance Power Luminance Illuminance
12 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Luminance/Power v. Illuminance Power Luminance Illuminance
13 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Summary of Luminance Values at Various Lux Levels Luminance (cd/m2) at Various Illuminance Levels (lux) Illuminance (Lux) TV C - 32" LED-LCD TV J - 32" LED-LCD TV E - 42" LED-LCD TV L - 46" LED-LCD TV D - 46" CCFL-LCD TV M - 47" LED-LCD TV K - 46" LED-LCD TV N - 52" CCFL-LCD TV A - 52" LED-LCD TV G - 60" Plasma TV B - 54" Plasma TV P - 55" Plasma
14 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Summary of Power Values at Various Lux Levels Power (watts) at Various Illuminance Levels (lux) Illuminance (Lux) TV C - 32" LED-LCD TV J - 32" LED-LCD TV E - 42" LED-LCD TV L - 46" LED-LCD TV D - 46" CCFL-LCD TV M - 47" LED-LCD TV K - 46" LED-LCD TV N - 52" CCFL-LCD TV A - 52" LED-LCD TV G - 60" Plasma TV B - 54" Plasma TV P - 55" Plasma
15 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Power v. Luminance
16 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Power v. Luminance
17 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Power v. Luminance
18 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Power v. Luminance
19 | Building Technologies Programeere.energy.gov Power v. Luminance