Empowering Business in Real Time. One.PI – Leveraging the Enterprise Agreement for Standardization Regional Seminar Series Richmond Nancy Whitlock Corporate PI Administrator Celanese September 22, 2009
2 Empowering Business in Real Time. Celanese Overview Background Justification Enterprise Agreement (EA) Services – Enterprise Project Management (EPM) – Managed PI (mPI) and Network Operations Center (NOC) – Center of Excellence (COE) Future AGENDA
3 Empowering Business in Real Time. CELANESE is a leading global chemical company Produce chemicals and advanced materials used in consumer products and industrial applications 95% of our products hold a leading market position Operate principally through four business segments: – Advanced Engineered Materials – Consumer Specialties – Industrial Specialties – Acetyl Intermediates Ranked 367 on the Fortune 500 in 2008 Over $6.8 billion in sales in 2008 Manufacturing facilities throughout North America, Europe and Asia Based in Dallas, Texas Employs approximately 8,000 employees worldwide
4 Empowering Business in Real Time. BACKGROUND Numerous process control vendors and systems Honeywell TDC-3000 Honeywell TDC-3000 Siemens Honeywell Experion Honeywell Experion Rockwell AB Emerson DeltaV Emerson DeltaV Yogogawa Foxboro Emerson PRoVOX Emerson PRoVOX Modicon Various data historian and visualization packages PI IP21 Home- grown None Vendors Software versions spanning the globe Multiple SRP agreements Individual sites limited on improving
5 Empowering Business in Real Time. BACKGROUND
6 Empowering Business in Real Time. BACKGROUND Leave the process control systems alone Standardize on data systems similar to other systems OneEHS OneSAP One.PI
7 Empowering Business in Real Time. JUSTIFICATION Needed to install PI at several locations Existing PI sites requesting improvements, eg. interfaces, point count, PI-Batch Costs determined EA was good value Enterprise Agreement signed late 2007 Managed PI (mPI) Enterprise Project Management (EPM) Center of Excellence (COE)
8 Empowering Business in Real Time. EA SERVICES - EPM Focal point for all communications Manages the rollout of new PI installs and upgrades Assigns the right resources for our needs Quarterly meetings to review successes and plan for future Supports training - Training vouchers, User Conference vouchers, OSIsoft vCampus subscriptions (trade-in), webinars Architecture assistance Extranet
9 Empowering Business in Real Time. EA SERVICES – INSTALLATION SUMMARY 16 PI servers upgraded 8 PI servers new 7 PI servers upgrade remaining 2 PI servers new remaining 20 Remote installs/upgrades 1 HA PI server install 54 interface computers to date (mPI) 175 interface instances to date (mPI) Old interfaces not monitored (NT, UNIX, etc.) Performance Tuning Initial roll-out slow until remote access established
10 Empowering Business in Real Time. EA SERVICES - mPI Network Operations Center (NOC) Monitor and alert Low memory alerts Unresponsive interfaces I/O Timeouts (device unavailable?) 24x7 support Provide NOC with instructions on priority levels, contacts, escalation Version inconsistencies
11 Empowering Business in Real Time. EA SERVICES - CoE Access to the CoE for strategic and tactical advice Total CoE Requests: 57 – 44 closed – 13 open
12 Empowering Business in Real Time. EA SERVICES – CoE Sample Efforts TitleService VRP Planning & WorkshopValue Realization Provide Enterprise RoadmapEnterprise Roadmap 3rd Party Historian Support and ConversionArchitecture HA and Fault Tolerant optionsArchitecture PI High Availability ArchitectureArchitecture Splitting/Moving/Merging PI SystemsArchitecture ACE Use Cases, Education, Architecture & HW RequirementsEvangelism Support EA value (for internal "sell")Evangelism Support Energy Management Case StudiesEvangelism Support OSI Product Functionality and EducationEvangelism Support PI Utilization/User AdoptionEvangelism Support Real Time Asset Performance ManagementEvangelism Support DeltaV Connectivity & Batch IntegrationGeneral Systems Support Global PI Client Install ScriptsGeneral Systems Support NotificationsGeneral Systems Support PI Data Sharing with other systemsGeneral Systems Support PI-OPC Interface OptionsGeneral Systems Support Standard Batch Reporting SystemGeneral Systems Support Windows Accounts with TrustsGeneral Systems Support
13 Empowering Business in Real Time. EA SERVICES - CoE Value Realization Plan (VRP) Site-specific and global initiatives Develop a roadmap Weekly update calls
14 Empowering Business in Real Time. FUTURE Survey sites about PI use Design an internal ‘sales brochure’ Implement HA and redundant interfaces Automatic PI software updates Advanced Computing Engine (ACE) Asset based database RtWebParts to provide standardized view for top level data Implement global VRP initiatives PI System Reports General Support/Best Practices
15 Empowering Business in Real Time. CONTACT INFORMATION
Thank you 777 Davis St., Suite 250 San Leandro, CA 94577