PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd
With a Colleague Find out their name Where they work If they have received training in the past A hope with regard to the course A fear with regard to the course
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd
The HSE Definition of Violence at Work “Any incident in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work”. This includes: Physical attack, whether visible injury occurs or not, including sexual and racial attack. Serious verbal abuse and threatening behaviour, an unacceptable threat has been made against a person, including via the phone.
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd The NHS Zero Tolerance Campaign Defines Violence As ‘any incident where staff are abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances related to their work, involving an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-being or health.’
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd National Task Force On Violence Against Social Care Staff “Incidents where persons are abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work, involving an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-being or health. This definition is taken to include verbal abuse or threat, threatening behaviour, any assault (and any apprehension of unlawful violence), and serious persistent harassment, and extends from what may seem to be minor incidents to serious assault and murder, and threats against the workers family”.
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd
Discuss the meaning of the following words;
Anger is a feeling or emotion It is often a response to something that has happened It may motivate you to tackle a problem It is often visible (An angry person will often look angry)
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd Aggression is an act or behaviour It is usually intended to hurt someone It can take many different forms
The term ‘violence’ is often used when speaking about serious physical attacks. But as we know it's how we are made to feel.
Does Anger Always Lead to Aggression? Anger does not always lead to aggression, because either The person inhibits or suppresses the anger or The person is not angry enough
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd Can People Be AGGRESSIVE But Not ANGRY? Can People Be AGGRESSIVE B B B But Not ANGRY?
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd Some Types of Aggression
More Types of Aggression
What Is the Most Common Form Of Aggression You Face?
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd What form of aggression is this?
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd Remember! If someone is becoming aggressive or threatening. Are they:If someone is becoming aggressive or threatening. Are they: Angry?Angry? Or are they hoping to achieve something?Or are they hoping to achieve something?
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd What Are Some Warning & Danger Signs Of Someone Becoming Angry Or Aggressive?
All Animals Exhibit Warning Signs Non verbal adaptors Respiration rate quickens Large movements & gestures Prolonged eye contact Facial colour darkens Standing tall & head back Ground kicking
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd And DANGER Signs Fist clenching & unclenching Facial colour pales – going white Lips tightening over teeth Eyebrows & chin drop Hands are above our waist Target acquisition glances Stance changes & lowers If you don’t do something bad is going to happen!
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd Any Questions?
Principles of These principles are paramount and always apply in whatever circumstances PAMOVA PAMOVA techniques are used
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd PAMOVA CYMRU GS Ltd If PAMOVA Cymru (GS) techniques are to be used, it must be with the absolute minimum use of physical intervention necessary to be effective and for the shortest possible time. No distinction is made between male and female staff in the teaching environment or in the operational use of PAMOVA Cymru (GS) training. Wherever possible and staffing levels allow, teamwork is stressed rather than individual action. The techniques should not be used or built into a day to day regime merely to enforce compliance.
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd Using PAMOVA Cymru techniques This will always be a matter of judgement No two incidents are ever identical However…. Physical intervention is likely to be needed….. To prevent someone from behaving violently or Being a danger to themselves or others
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd More specific situations may include………... Serious self injurious behaviour Risk of injury to staff, peers, visitors, or public Preventing a situation from escalating which may lead to the involvement of others Failure to comply with the immediate need to evacuate the area
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd Principles of PAMOVA Cymru (GS) PAMOVA Cymru (GS) should generally be used when all other strategies have not resolved the situation. However there may be some high risk occasions when it’s early use may complement other important skills and assist in defusing the situation. EXAMPLES?
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd Principles of PAMOVA Cymru (GS) In PAMOVA Cymru (GS) it is essential that all, or as many staff as possible receive training so that the techniques come to be regarded as being a normal part - but only a part - of the whole range of professional responses to violent and or aggressive behaviour.
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd We believe that PAMOVA Cymru (GS) techniques are……. IMPLE CCEPTABLE ON - ABUSIVE FFECTIVE
PAMOVA Cymru (GS) Ltd
Tea/Coffee Break