Lecturer: Miljen Matijašević G10, room 6 Session 3
1. The Tax Administration (continued) 2. New Electronic Services of the Tax Administration 3. Revision exercises
The Tax Administration is the administrative organisation within the Ministry of Finance whose basic duty is to implement tax regulations and regulations concerning the payment of obligatory contributions. Is everybody obliged to pay taxes in Croatia? What do you know about the tasks of the Tax Administration?
KEY TERMS 1. tax return 2. tax accounts 3. seizure of assets 4. to file a charge 5. violation 6. enforcement of regulations 7. official record 8. contribution
KEY TERMS 1. tax return – porezna prijava 2. tax accounts – porezno knjigovodstvo 3. seizure of assets – ovrha, zapljena imovine 4. to file a charge – podnijeti prijavu 5. violation – povreda (propisa) 6. enforcement of regulations – provo đ enje propisa 7. official record – službena evidencija 8. contribution - doprinos
Read and translate the text on the handout.
Unit 6
Read the first part of the text on p.19 and answer these questions: 1. What is the HITRO.hr project? 2. What e-Tax services are mentioned? 3. Who benefits from these services? 4. How much do these services cost? 5. Can anyone use them?
Service of the Government of the RC for quick communication with citizens Includes the following: e-Regos e-Katastar e-Tax e-Pension e-Health
Internet services for taxpayers Electronic communication with the Tax Administration and online delivery of tax forms
What do you think the term e-business means? Read about e-Business and e-PDV on pp What is the main task of the e-Croatia programme? How was the environment created for the development of electronic business in Croatia? What is the purpose of the e-PDV service?
to submit (records) dependent labour supplement process (an application) digital certificate (digital signature) electronic business periodic calculation (of VAT)
Do the exercises on p.20 in your coursebook
Thank you for your attention!