By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: identify CONFLICT as it appears in literature. distinguish between Internal and External CONFLICT place CONFLICT into one of four subcategories.
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Internal Conflict Definition: A struggle that takes place in a character's mind is called internal conflict.
Internal Conflict is … NOT a visual or tangible opposition. a character dealing with his or her own mixed feelings or emotions.
In Internal Conflict... A character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem. A character may be wrestling with a moral dilemma or suffering from guilt because of a bad decision
Internal Conflict Subcategory Man v. Himself Internal conflict is often referred to as “Man v. Himself” because the struggle is from within.
Man v. Himself Examples Oskar Schindler in Schindler’s List—wrestled with his decisions to aid the Jewish people in Nazi Germany. Rainsford vs. his fear of being killed. The character of Juno in the movie “Juno.” Juno had an inward struggle over whether she would keep her baby or put it up for adoption.
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Internal Conflict Quiz Question 1: Internal conflict is NOT: a.visiblevisible b.difficultdifficult c.seriousserious
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Internal Conflict Quiz Question 2: An example of Internal Conflict is: a. Rainsford and his own fear b. Tom Hanks' character v. the island in "Castaway“ c. Batman v. The Joker
Internal Conflict Quiz Question 3: Internal conflict is often referred to as: vs. manman vs. man vs. himselfman vs. himself vs. external forcesman vs. external forces
External Conflict Definition: A struggle between a character and an outside force is an external conflict.
In External Conflict …. Characters may face several types of outside forces The outside force may be another character. It may be the community. The outside force may also be forces of nature. For example, a story might be the main character struggling against the arctic cold.
External Conflict Subcategories Man v. Man Man v. Nature Man v. Society
Man vs. Man This is mostly seen in the form of two characters against each other. It can also be represented by a group of people. It does not have to be a physical confrontation; it can be a battle between two ideas.
Man vs. Man Examples Roadrunner v. Coyote Batman v. The Joker Rainsford vs. General Zaroff
Man vs. Nature Nature could be called environment--it is defined as anything surrounding a person. This can include weather, objects, activities. Basically anything external EXCEPT people.
Man vs. Nature Examples Tom Hanks in Castaway the Firemen in Backdraft Rainsford v. the Jungle
Man v. Society Society refers to a larger entity in conflict with the character Examples of societal conflict include religious, ethnic and politcal groups Can involve oppression, civil disobedience, or war
Man v. Society Examples Rosa Parks--the black woman who refused to move to the back of the bus during the civil rights movement. Timothy McVeigh-Oklahoma City Bombing Equality in Anthem
Now you’re ready to take a quiz…. External Conflict
External Conflict Quiz Question 1: Which is NOT an example of external conflict? a.other charactersother characters b.forces of natureforces of nature c. decisionsdecisions
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External Conflict Quiz Question 2: One subcategory of external conflict is: vs. manman vs. man vs. himselfman vs. himself vs. literatureman vs. literature
External Conflict Quiz Question 3: Rainsford being stuck in quicksand is an example of: a.Man v. ManMan v. Man b.Man v. NatureMan v. Nature c.Man v. HimselfMan v. Himself
External Conflict Quiz Question 4: A conflict can be categorized as Man vs. Society when: a.there is a physical confrontation.there is a physical confrontation. b. a character is struggling with religiousa character is struggling with religious discrimination c. the protagonist struggles with a moral dilemmathe protagonist struggles with a moral dilemma
Conflict Quick Review Internal Conflict External Conflict MAN v. HIMSELF MAN v. MAN MAN v. NATURE SOCIETY not tangibleother characters any outside ethnic group or force government in the mind not just physical confrontation anything in physical or emotional surroundings oppression decisions, feelings, emotions Opposing ideas weather, character at odds objects, with larger entity activities
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