CIS 193A – Lesson10 Protecting Your Network
CIS 193A – Lesson10 Focus Question What information contained in packets can be used as matching criteria for a firewall or network service?
CIS 193A – Lesson10 Setting the VMnet1 Network Address Run as admin the Vmware Manage Virtual Networks The admin password is funny Cabrillo Select the tab labeled: Host Virtual Network Mapping Click the arrow on the right and choose subnet Replace the third octet with your station number. Click Apply and OK
CIS 193A – Lesson10 Verify the Change with ipconfig
CIS 193A – Lesson10 DNS and Client VMs Copy the dns and client virtual Machines from Sybil to your Virtual Machines folder. \\ \vmware These machines are preconfigured to be on VMnet1, but they don’t have the correct IP addresses to match your network. You must change their hostnames and their IP addresses
CIS 193A – Lesson10 Booting the VMs Bring up the router vm first: –Set eth1 IP address to XX.2 Bring up the webserver vm second: –Change IP address to XX.3 –Add an index.html file to /var/www/html that shows your computer’s name and IP –Update the ServerName variable in /etc/httpd/conf/hhtpd.conf line 266 Ping your router to check for connectivity
CIS 193A – Lesson10 Booting the DNS VM Bring up the dns vm: –Change the hostname by substituting your station number for the XX. –Change the IP address to XX.4 –Set the nameserver address to the above IP address in the file, /etc/resolv.conf –Change the “XX” to your station # in files: /etc/named.conf /var/named/db.localdomain /var/named/db.XX
CIS 193A – Lesson10 Booting the Client VM Bring up the client vm last: –Change the hostname in /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network replacing the XX with your station number. –Add a GATEWAY= variable to the above network file. –Edit /etc/resolv.conf and specify your dnsXX server as the nameserver. Test connectivity and name resolution.
CIS 193A – Lesson10 Installing a Firewall Download the iptables shell script from Opus: scp Modify the shell script. Run the shell script as root. Test the firewall Save the firewall settings using iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables
CIS 193A – Lesson10 Review
CIS 193A – Lesson10 Focus Question What information contained in packets can be used as matching criteria for a firewall or network service? Mostly information from Network and Transport layers are used for access controls, but MAC addresses from layer 2 and User information from the application layer may also be used. The most common fields are src and dst IP address, src and dst port numbers, protocol, and TCP state flags such as SYN RST ACK