Peer-To-Peer Multimedia Streaming Using BitTorrent Purvi Shah, Jehan-François Pâris University of Houston Houston, TX
Problem Definition Objectives –Customer satisfaction: Minimize customer waiting time –Cost effectiveness: Reduce operational costs (mostly hardware costs) One Server Transferring videos is a resource intensive task! Many Customers
Transferring Videos Video download: –Just like any other file –Simplest case: file downloaded using conventional protocol –Playback does not overlap with the transfer Video streaming from a server: –Playback of video starts while video is downloaded –No need to wait until download is completed –New challenge: ensuring on-time delivery of data Otherwise the client cannot keep playing the video
Why use P2P Architecture? Infrastructure-based approach (e.g. Akamai) –Most commonly used –Client-server architecture –Expensive: Huge server farms –Best effort delivery –Client upload capacity completely unutilized –Not suitable for flash crowds
Why use P2P Architecture? IP Multicast –Highly efficient bandwidth usage –Several drawbacks so far Infrastructure level changes make most administrators reluctant to provide it Security flaws No effective & widely accepted transport protocol on IP multicast layer
P2P Architecture Leverage power of P2P networks –Multiple solutions are possible Tree based structured overlay networks –Leaf clients’ bandwidth unutilized –Less reliable –Complex overlay construction –Content bottlenecks –Fairness issues
Our Solution Mesh based unstructured overlay –Based on widely-used BitTorrent content distribution protocol –A P2P protocol started ~ 2002 –Linux distributors such as Lindows offer software updates via BT –Blizzard uses BT to distribute game patches –Start to distribute films through BT this yea r
BitTorrent (I)
BitTorrent (II) Has a central tracker –Keeps information on peers –Responds to requests for that information –Service subscription Built-in incentives: Rechoking –Give preference to cooperative peers: Tit- for-tat exchange of content chunks –Random search: Optimistic un-choke When all chunks are downloaded, peers can reconstruct the whole file –Not tailored to streaming applications
Evaluation Methodology Simulation-based –Answers depend on many parameters –Hard to control in measurements or to model Java based discrete-event simulator –Models queuing delay and transmission delay –Remains faithful to BT specifications
BT Limitations BT does not account for the real-time needs of streaming applications –Chunk selection Peers do not download chunks in sequence –Neighbor selection Incentive mechanism makes too many peers to wait for too long before joining the swarm
Chunk Selection Policy Replace BT rarest first policy by a sliding window policy –Forward moving window is equal to viewing delay missed chunk playback delay playback start Download window chunk not yet received received chunk
Two Options S equential policy –Peers download first the chunks at the beginning of the window –Limit the opportunity to exchange chunks between the peers Rarest-first policy –Peers download first the chunks within the window that are least replicated among its neighbors –Feasibility of swarming by diversifying available chunks among peers
Best Worst
Discussion Switching to a sliding window policy greatly increases quality of service –Must use a rarest first inside window policy –Change does not suffice to achieve a satisfactory quality of service
Neighbor Selection Policy BT tit-for-tat policy –Peers select other peers according to their observed behaviors –Significant number of peers suffer from slow start Randomized tit-for-tat policy –At the beginning of every playback each peer selects neighbors at random –Rapid diffusion of new chunks among peers –Gives more free tries to a larger number of peers in the swarm to download chunks
Discussion Should combine our neighbor selection policy with our sliding window chunk selection policy Can then achieve an excellent QoS with playback delays as short as 30 s as long as video consumption rate does not exceed 60 % of network link bandwidth.
Comparison with Client-Server Solutions
Chunk size selection Small chunks –Result in faster chunk downloads – Occasion more processing overhead Larger chunks –Cause slow starts for every sliding window Our simulations indicate that 256KB is a good compromise
Premature Departures Peer departures before the end of the session –Can be voluntary or resulting from network failures –When a peer leaves the swarm, it tears down connections to its neighbors –Each of its neighbors to lose one of their active connections
Can tolerate the loss of at least 60 % of the peers
Future Work Current work –On-demand streaming Robustness –Detect malicious and selfish peers –Incorporate a trust management system into the protocol Performance evaluation –Conduct a comparison study
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nVoD Dynamics of client participations, i.e. churn –Clients do no synchronize their viewing times Serve many peers even if they arrive according to different patterns
Admission control policy (I) Determine if a new peer request can be accepted without violating the QoS requirements of the existing customers Based on server oriented staggered broadcast scheme –Combine P2P streaming and staggered broadcasting ensures high QoS –Beneficial for popular videos
Admission control policy (II) Use tracker to batch clients arriving close in time form a session –Closeness is determined by threshold θ Service latency, though server oriented, is independent of number of clients –Can handle flash crowds Dedicate η channels for each video making worst service latency, w D/η
Results We use the M/D/η queuing model to estimate the effect on the playback delay experienced by the peers