Young People’s Emotional, Psychological & Social Wellbeing in Devon 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Young People’s Emotional, Psychological & Social Wellbeing in Devon 2

Introductions  Elly French – Young People’s Voice Manager  Tim Tod – CEO Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people3

Young Devon  Young Devon was established as a charity in  We employ 150 full and part-time workers across 9 sites located in Devon, Plymouth & Torbay. Alongside our paid staff we also deploy over 200 well-trained volunteers.  We work with all young people from those with targeted and specific issues to a universal offer, but it is our primary objective to enhance the lives and promote opportunity for those who are least likely to have their voices heard, and whose life circumstances impede their ability to achieve their full potential. Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people

5 What does good look like? 1.Young people’s perspective 2.Young Devon’s journey to date 3.What next?

Torbay CAMHS and Young Devon: Implementing the Participation agenda History  Torbay CAMHS and Young Devon began collaborative work in Jan  At this time, Torbay CAMHS was behind its partners across the IAPT collaborative in terms of its service user participation. Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people6

South West Collaborative Pledges Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people7

Activity to date:  Young people’s group ‘Have Your Say’ brought together in early 2013 in Paignton.  Initial recruitment of 6 young people  “Have Your Say” carry out wide consultation of service users; first action is to redesign the waiting room at CAMHS to make it more ‘young people friendly.’  Young people redesign and re-launch a comprehensive website for CAMHS, aimed at young people, parents/carers and professionals. Created by collaboration between young people, web designers and Torbay CAMHS professionals.  Young people contribute to job descriptions written for new recruits at CAMHS.  Young people are involved in recruitment of all new CAMHS staff and have 50% weighting in all appointment decisions. Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people8

9 Continued……  Young people involved in the Induction process for all new members of staff.  Newly recruited professionals encouraged to attend the “Have Your Say” group to encourage recruitment from case loads and embed the agenda;  Young people have created 5 short films for promotional and awareness raising: a tour of the CAMHS building, what to expect on your first appointment; an interview with staff; story of a personal journey and early warning signs for seeking support.  Young people currently carrying out detailed assessment of CAMHS services. This includes a survey for all service users, parents and professionals. YP will be involved in collating this feedback and will be supported in creating a report for service managers.

Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people10 Continued….  Young people also carrying out a ‘Mystery Shop’ of the service, providing assessment of the processes from referral to choice appointment and feeding back any subsequent comments. This has not been attempted before in the South West.  Young people have been successful in writing a bid for funding from Starbucks and UK Youth. They have decided to organise and hold a mental health awareness event for professionals, young people and parents during the summer holidays to promote positive mental health and key local agencies.  “Have Your Say” group also creating mental health resources- focus is on how young people want professionals to respond to mental health to create an open dialogue.

Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people11 And still continued…..!  Members of the “Have Your Say” group attend the South West IAPT Collaborative’s Shadow Board and have attended the Project Board in the past.  The “Have Your Say” group have been involved in interviews for IAPT partners, most recently North Somerset and Herefordshire as well as IAPT trainees at the University of Exeter.  Young people from “Have Your Say” attend Torbay CAMHS team meetings.  The group have created training for Torbay CAMHS staff and will be supported to deliver this around key areas such as ‘ how to engage young people’ and ‘ the therapeutic benefits of participation.’  Young people in the group ( and across the South West IAPT collaborative) receive ongoing accredited training. These include ‘Passport to Participation’, ‘ Young Interviewer’, ‘Young Assessor’ and ‘Young Commissioner’.

Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people12 And finally - so far….  Young people from the “Have Your Say Grou”p talk at conferences and have created films to show trainees about the benefits of being involved in a participation group with Torbay CAMHS.  Torbay CAMHS and the “Have Your Say” group have recently been nominated for a ‘Blue Shield Award for Innovation.’  The “Have Your Say” group recently met with CQC inspectors.  Joint team day to be held in August 2014 to develop service mission statement.  Ongoing recruitment for the group. To date, Young Devon and CAMHS have supported 30 young people in accessing the group and being involved in participation activities.  Young people have also been invited to meet with the NHS Torbay and Southern Devon Trust Board.

What’s next?!   Development of family and parent participation work to commence in September This will include research elements;   Young people involved in all staff appraisals via ‘Puzzled Out’ and ongoing ROMS.   CAMHS service users meeting Chief Inspector of CQC   Planning for Year 3 Young People’s work   Joint team away day to develop Joint mission statement- August   Consultation event to be carried out with service users for Avon and Somerset Clinical Network Director.   Ongoing recruitment for the group……. Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people13

What young people want from mental health services (November workshop) facilitated by YD and Exeter University   Help and Support   Relatable People   Young people on interview panels   Services close to home   Not to be treated like a child or patronised   A positive attitude   Accessible services   Young people involved in appraisals to review therapists regularly   A tailored experience   Freedom to leave when you want: No locks on doors   To be treated with dignity   Case studies in waiting room written by young people   Right to privacy and confidentiality   Ability to change therapist if necessary without difficult conversations: External mediator   A choice over appointments   The opportunity to find your own therapist: ‘Therapist Advisor’ type website with profiles/reviews   Trained and effective therapists   Emergency measures for the times you can’t cope   Advice when you want it   Feedback from young people to be recognised and valued Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people14

The journey so far…   Policy – –Time to Change – –Emotional health and wellbeing at work – –IAPT Pledges   Workforce development – –Induction training – –Mental Health First Aid – –Mental Health and Wellbeing Toolkit Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people15

Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people16 Supported HousingInformation Advice & RightsEmotional Health & WellbeingYouth Inclusion & CommunityVoice and influenceSkills & Enterprise Young Devon's Service Areas

Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people17 Provision County wide counselling service – based in a mix of YES centres & schools “R’n’B” – therapeutic mentoring “Plan B” - Accommodation with therapeutic underpinning Whole workforce Person Centred Planning Use of the “Outcome Star” Supervision & specialist help (internal & external)

The Young Devon team   Tim Tod - CEO   Elly French - Young People’s Voice Manager Young Devon - Changing the odds in favour of young people18