Low Carbon South East Europe Daniele Vettorato – European Research Academy of Bolzano Verona – Smart Energy, 08/10/2014 Project introduction
The LOCSEE project is co-financed by the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, the goal of which is to develop transnational partnerships on matters of strategic importance in order to improve territorial, economic and social integration and to contribute to the cohesion, stability and competitiveness of the region. The SEE Programme
The LOCSEE (Low Carbon South East Europe) project aims to build the capacities of public and other institutions dealing with climate change, and to strengthen the involvement of key stakeholders in policy development across the SEE region. Project Outline two-year project launched in December 2012 led by the European Academy of Bolzano (EURAC)
Regional State of the Art Analysis A cross-sector step-by-step manual on creating low-carbon policies Guidelines for the coordinated cross-sector transfer of EU directives in the field of climate change A good practice exchange platform (40 GPs) A regional policy network that will ensure the transferability and sustainability of project results 10 Policy Papers 10 Process Plans for the PP implementation Project Main Outputs
Regional State-of-the-Art Analysis The state-of-the-art analysis covering South Eastern Europe (SEE) is a summary and compilation of the national state-of-the-art analyses in the field of climate change developed by JOANNEUM RESEARCH in 2013 for Albania, Croatia, Kosovo*, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, in the framework of the LOCSEE project. The regional analysis provides an overview of the current situation in the SEE region, including countries participating in LOCSEE. Existing climate policies, legislative frameworks, baseline data, indicators and statistics were examined; and information on human resources, financing, stakeholders, management issues, problems and technical aspects was collected in order to provide a clear picture of the development of climate change policies in the region
Step-by-Step Manual on Developing Low- Carbon Policies It is primarily addressed to countries in South Eastern Europe (SEE) that are on the path towards joining the EU and is based on the long experience gained by EU member states in the region in relation to developing and implementing low-carbon policies. It takes into account the real needs, gaps and barriers in the SEE region as communicated by the relevant countries during its compilation and should be seen as a general guide that identifies the basic steps to be followed. The topics explored include assessing potential low- carbon measures, identifying methodological approaches to developing GHG emissions projections, selecting low-carbon targets and appropriate measures and policies, and monitoring their impacts.
Guidelines for the Coordinated Transfer of EU Legislation in the Field of Climate Change The guidelines aim to provide IPA countries with an appropriate tool in the form of a concise but comprehensive overview of each relevant legislative act (decisions, directives and regulations). lists all sectoral and cross-sectoral legal acts related to climate change; aims to facilitate understanding of each binding instrument via an overview of the main obligations, tools, institutional innovations, objectives, and quantitative and qualitative targets; helps to identify interconnections among different legislative acts in the interests of coherent and efficient implementation; provides an outline of the evolution of EU climate legislation (amendments and repeals connected to each of the analysed legislative acts).
Partnership The partnership comprises 17 partners from the SEE region (11 active partners and six observers) It involves key actors dealing with climate change, including national ministries, government offices, university and research organisations and international organisations The 11 active partners are from old EU member states (Austria, Italy, Greece), new EU member states (Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia), candidate countries (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia) and potential candidates (Albania), representing the majority of the SEE geographical area.
Partners EURAC Bolzano, Italy (lead partner) MoE, Albania JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Austria MZOIP, Croatia NOA, Greece Corvinus University, REKK, Hungary REC, Hungary MoEPP, FYR Macedonia MSDT, Montenegro MAEPS, Serbia MKO, Slovenia Observers LEB, Styria, Austria EUREC Agency, Belgium EKPAA, Greece MEECC, Greece IMELS, Italy SID Banka, Slovenia
The project is divided into six work packages (WPs): WP1: Transnational project and financial management WP2: Communication WP3: Analysis of the state of the art and good practice exchange platform WP4: Coordinated transfer of EU climate legislation WP5: Capacity building for low-carbon policies WP6: Development of low-carbon policy papers Workplan
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European Academy of Bolzano/ Accademia Europea Bolzano (EURAC) Viale Druso 1, Bolzano, Italy Mr. Daniele Vettorato – Project Manager Tel: (39) Ms. Alyona Zubaryeva – Project Coordinator Tel: (39) Project Contacts